태국 대학 내 한국어과 교육과정 개선 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this study is to understand the curriculums of Korean language in Thailand universities as well as the education state of Korean language of Thailand and investigate the development of the systematic and standardized curriculums through...

The purpose of this study is to understand the curriculums of Korean language in Thailand universities as well as the education state of Korean language of Thailand and investigate the development of the systematic and standardized curriculums through need assessment.
As in recent, the interest in Korea has become raised due to Korean waver fever, learners to Korean language has increased and the learning purposes and demands of the learners have become various. Accordingly, it is required to understand various demands of the learners and make the curriculum that reflects the demands. At present, thanks to studies on the Korean language curriculums of Thailand, studies on the curriculums with special purposes such as the curriculum of Korean language for business or Korean language for tourism but studies on the general curriculum is still insufficient. Therefore, this study first understood the demands of learners and based on that, suggested an improvement plan of the Korean language curriculum of Thailand universities. The research was composed as follows :
In Chapter 1, it revealed the necessity of the research and suggested the contents and method of this research and reviewed preceding studies related to the development of the Korean language curriculum, the standardized curriculum and the Korean language education.
As for the current Korean language education state of Thailand, Chapter 2 examined the state of Korean language establishment in Thailand universities and the Korean language education state of other educational institutions. In addition, it investigated the Korean language curriculums of Thailand universities that executed Korean language as their major and reviewed the improvements of the current curriculums.
In Chapter 3, it explained the procedures and subjects of the need assessment and analyzed the results of questionnaires of students of Thailand universities studying Korean language and interviews with professors to prepare for applications to the curriculums.
Chapter 4 suggested the curriculum improvements of Korean language in Thailand universities based on the need assessment of Chapter 3. This section established the purposes and goals of the curriculum and suggested the composition and contents of the curriculum. The purposes and goals of the curriculum were established as 'employment', 'communication with Koreans' and 'interest in Korea' that were the learning purposes of learners. The composition of the curriculum was made of necessary and insufficient parts for learning that were in compliance with the goals and purposes and were reviewed through the need assessment. Base on the above, the practice of the curriculum was presented.
At last, Chapter 5 arranged this research in general and mentioned the significance and limits of this research.
