한·중 온도어 대조 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this dissertation is to study the common things and differences of temperature word’s system and morphological characteristics in Korean and Chinese. Korean and Chinese geographic locations are similar. The seasonal changes can obviou...

The purpose of this dissertation is to study the common things and differences of temperature word’s system and morphological characteristics in Korean and Chinese. Korean and Chinese geographic locations are similar. The seasonal changes can obviously be found. So there are large temperature differences among seasons. So people can feel varies of temperature in daily life. So the expression about the temperature is various.
The difference between the word formation in Korean and Chinese make the morphological characteristics different. Korean temperature terms could be divided into single word, derivative word, and compound word. Derivative words are further divided into prefix derivatives and derivational suffixes. Furthermore, prefix derivatives include ‘무-’, ‘후-’, ‘실-’, ‘설-’, ‘슬-’ and so on, derivational suffixes encompass complete derivational suffixes and incomplete derivational suffixes. complete derivational suffixes cover ‘-(으)ㅂ-’, ‘-스럽-’, ‘-앟/엏-’, ‘-압/업-’, ‘-앙/엉-’, ‘-하다’ and so on, and incomplete derivational suffixes include ‘-운-’, ‘-(적/작)지근-’ and so on. For the temperature word there are 3 methods to make the compound word, the addition of ‘-디’, the repetition of argon, and the compose of adjective’s argon. Chinese temperature terms can be divided into single word and complex word, Complex words are further divided into piled temperature word, added temperature word, mixed temperature word. Both in Korean and Chinese the morpheme play important roles in making words. But in Korean the existence of the derivation method makes a lot of words that don’t exist in Chinese.
Based on the basal vocabulary the Korean and Chinese temperature word formed the lexical system. In the Korean temperature word the basal vocabulary are ‘덥다’, ‘춥다’, ‘뜨겁다’, ‘차다’, ‘따뜻하다’, ‘시원하다’, so the Korean temperature word could be divided into ‘덥다’ affiliation, ‘춥다’ affiliation, ‘뜨겁다’ affiliation, ‘차다’ affiliation, ‘따뜻하다’ affiliation, ‘시원하다’ affiliation. In the Chinese temperature word the basal vocabulary are ‘熱’, ‘溫’. ‘凉’, ‘冷’, so the Chinese temperature word could be divided into ‘熱’ affiliation, ‘溫’ affiliation. ‘凉’ affiliation, ‘冷’ affiliation. So the Korean temperature word is more plentiful and detailed than the Chinese temperature word .
