학문 목적 학습자를 위한 맥락 접근 한국어 읽기 교육 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This study defines the contextual approach as a pedagogical approach which enables the learning to be facilitated in situational contexts without separating learning from the external environment. The approach enables learners to establish communicati...

This study defines the contextual approach as a pedagogical approach which enables the learning to be facilitated in situational contexts without separating learning from the external environment. The approach enables learners to establish communication which is deemed suitable for the socio-culture of the target language. Moreover, it is established that the contextual approach is implemented by two principles: understanding situational prerequisites and incorporating the context into the socio-culture. The former indicates that education is always designed in relation to the situation.
This study comprehensively analyzed academic research in the field of Korean language education. The result identified that the principle of situational prerequisites can be characterized in terms of four subordinate rules.
∘Rule 1: Learner groups are divided as specifically as possible, depending on the learning situation and each educational institution.
∘Rule 2: The learning situation is applied, and has precedence over the learning objectives.
∘Rule 3: A specific learning situation is applied in accordance with the given order. The situation, Korean as a second language, is applied prior to the situation of studying abroad.
∘Rule 4: Regional characteristics are always reflected as the macro-level context.
The principle of incorporating with socio-culture is that both listening and reading aim to understand the communicative intention of speakers or writers belonging to the academic community. Also, the principle states that speaking and writing aim to be performed as well as possible within the academic community. This principle is constantly occurring along with the principle of situational prerequisites. Based on the investigation of the need for academic research, the comprehensive analysis identified that the principle of incorporating with socio-culture has four subordinate rules.
∘Rule 1: The principle of incorporating with socio-culture is applied secondarily to the principle of situational prerequisites.
∘Rule 2: Learners should consider the socio-culture of the communities which they have voluntarily chosen.
∘Rule 3: The topics which is suitable for the socio-culture to which the learners belong is selected.
∘Rule 4: The knowledge of language in the academic community to which the learners belong is learned.
Based on the discussion above, it is confirmed that the principles of situational prerequisites and incorporating socio-culture are to be applied to the reading education.
Next, this study designs the education of Korean reading for academic purposes with regard to two principles and their subordinate rules. Based on the contextual principles discussed above, the patterns of Korean for academic purposes are subcategorized and the objectives and educational content of academic Korean reading education are established. The subordinate types of Korean for academic purposes can be categorized by the principle of situational prerequisites. Consequently, the objectives and content of education are changed as well. When establishing objectives it is necessarily to establish general objectives for learners who are involved in academic reading education, and also to set the objectives depending on the subordinate types of Korean for academic purposes. The reading education aims to develop the ability to construct meaning that is suitable for the intention of the writer. Therefore, by use of the learners’ reading reflection data, the performance of reading comprehension is examined. In addition, the results illustrate that the common objectives, which the learners of Korean reading for academic purpose should achieve, were established regardless of learner type.
The design of educational content constructs the framework for educational content in accordance with situational prerequisites. Concurrently, the components of educational content are selected based on the consideration of sociocultural aspects. In light of the perspective to embrace the content reflected in the textbooks for the current reading education of Korean for academic purposes, the components of educational content are selected in the contexts of skill, discourse, and topic areas. Studying the Korean language, which is in high demand because of learners studying abroad as well as domestically, considers skill, discourse, and topic area. The content of skill refers to exploring the capability of a learner relating to academic reading. It is divided into the reading skills, which are used in the process of academic reading discourse, such as: factual understanding, inferential understanding, and critical understanding. With regard to academic discourse, the list of professional books, which have recently been used for the study of the Korean language, is selected by focusing on the first chapter of the university textbook. The academic topic is chosen from the first chapter of the university textbook is selected from the list above. The first chapter of the university textbook is selected on the ground that it addresses the content of consensual knowledge in academic fields.
Taking an educational approach depending on situational prerequisites means the class to be taught in a different manner for different types of learners. For this, the first chapter of classical university textbook is used. Therefore, with the discourse ‘social promise’, which discusses “characteristics of language”, the ways of presenting the differentiated classroom procedure depending on the types of learners are explained.
Moreover, education depending on the socio-culture is defined as learning which is suitable for understanding discourse. After establishing the ways in which education is constructed as part of the teaching-learning model employing situational prerequisites, a model class is discussed.
Using the contextual principle, the design of the educational objective, content, an
