여성결혼이민자 대상 육아 목적 한국어 교재 개발 방안 연구 : 영유아기(1세~4세)를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Recently Korea has become a multi-cultural society as the number of female marriage immigrants grow rapidly and that of children of multi-cultural families accordingly. Due to this, female marriage immigrants have difficulties in growing their childre...

Recently Korea has become a multi-cultural society as the number of female marriage immigrants grow rapidly and that of children of multi-cultural families accordingly. Due to this, female marriage immigrants have difficulties in growing their children. Especially, they have to grow their toddlers when they are not fully accustomed to living in Korean society. Traditionally, in Korea, mothers take full responsibilities of rearing their children and there is no exception for even female marriage immigrants.
They have hard time in taking care of their children mainly because of their lack of Korean proficiency. To nurse their children, they need the proficiency in Korean language. The linguistic interaction with their mother affects toddlers' language ability. There have been cases in which children of multi-cultural families lag linguistically because of the lack of their mother's language proficiency in the view of both quality and quantity as well. Thus, Korean education for female marriage immigrants should reflect this aspect.
This study recognizes the female marriage immigrants' difficulties in Korean language in rearing their children and tries to develop a child care-oriented Korean textbook to complement existing Korean textbooks.
First, this study analyzes 3 copies in 2 kinds of Korean textbooks containing child caring in contents for female marriage immigrants. The results show that there are few contents concerning with child care and the topics are very limited. The existing Korean textbooks hardly present tasks helpful for female marriage immigrants in practice.
Next needs analysis was taken for developing Korean textbook dealing with child care. A preliminary analysis was done with a Korean teacher and two female marriage immigrants as a form of interview with basic background information done first. Then full scale analysis was done with five female marriage immigrants having toddlers and a family life leader helping the female marriage immigrants. The results of the interview reveals that they all have linguistic difficulties in caring their toddlers and it is necessary to develop a child care-oriented Korean textbook. Especially the family life leader pointed out that female marriage immigrants can get necessary information for child care and have self-confidence after their getting fluency in Korean language.
Based on the previous analyses of existing Korean textbooks and needs, this study set the direction of developing a child care-oriented Korean textbook and laid out the units of the textbook. First, this developing a Korean textbook aims at focusing on the communication with their children at home to improve their communicative ability in various situations in child care. Second, the textbook contains a variety of topics, rich vocabularies and cultural contents. Third, the textbook presents practical tasks and activities. Fourth, it aims at improving female marriage immigrants' Korean proficiency and that of their children's. Fifth, the textbook presents listening, speaking, writing, and reading in integration. The syllabus makes it concrete with 15 units for 30 minutes a week based on them. This study presents Unit 13 'bowel training' to set an example of the syllabus.
It is meaningful that this study tries to develop a child care-oriented Korean textbook focused on female marriage immigrants with toddlers rather than focused on the school-age children in trend. It is hard to generalize the results because the subjects are only female marriage immigrants who live in Busan and the number of the subjects is too small. It will be done in the follow-up studies.
