This study aims to examine elementary school students’ recognition on elementary school English class. To attain the study goal, the sets as its background variables sex, grades, and the degree of experiencing prerequisite learning and formula... This study aims to examine elementary school students’ recognition on elementary school English class. To attain the study goal, the sets as its background variables sex, grades, and the degree of experiencing prerequisite learning and formulates following study questions: First, how do elementary school students recognize the purpose and necessity of elementary school English class? Second, how do elementary school students recognize the operation and activities of elementary school English class? Third, how do elementary school students recognize the effects, problems, and improvements to be made about elementary school English class? The has gained the following results: First, about the necessity for elementary school English class, most of the students recognize it is ‘necessary’. And about the reason why English class is necessary from elementary school, the most frequent response is ‘it is important to have interest in English from childhood’. And about the most crucial purpose of elementary school English class, the most frequent answer is ‘to have a simple conversation in English in everyday life’. Second, regarding the degree that they like school English class, the most frequent answer is ‘I like it a little’. And about the reason why they like school English class, the most frequent response is ‘the activities that the English class provides are fun’. And about the reason why they do not like school English class, the most frequent answer is ‘the activities that the English class provides are not fun’. About the difficulty of school English class, the most frequent response is ‘very easy’. They understand most of the English that Korean teachers use, and most of them recognize that it would be better if Korean teachers use English mainly but use Korean only when they cannot understand it at all. And about the English that native teachers use, the most frequent answer is ‘I understand it mostly.’ The type of class they prefer the most is the class conducted by a Korean teacher accompanied with a native one. About the reason why they like the class conducted by a Korean teacher solely, the most frequent response is ‘The Korean teacher also uses Korean for better understanding.’ And about the reason why they like the class conducted by a native teacher solely, the highest recognition is ‘I can study based on accurate pronunciation.’ About the reason why they like the class conducted by a Korean teacher accompanied with a native one, the most frequent answer is ‘I can understand better because the Korean teacher gives us explanation when we cannot understand what the native teacher says.’ Regarding the effects of native teachers on their learning, they choose ‘It seems to improve my English.’ The parts they are least confident about in school English class are found to be ‘none’ and ‘writing’ in order. And the part they are most confident about is ‘listening’. The activity regarded most interesting in school English class is ‘gaming activity’, and the activity regarded least interesting is ‘word or sentence writing’. The activity recognized to be the most helpful in improving English skills is ‘word or sentence writing’, and the activity recognized to be the least helpful is ‘gaming activity’. Third, about the greatest effects of elementary school English class, they recognize ‘They can have a simple conversation in everyday life.’ And the biggest problem of the English class they recognize is the gap between the levels of English skills. And about the parts to be improved first about the English class, the highest recognition is ‘It would be better if it includes more diverse and interesting activities.’ This study has shown that elementary school students know about the necessity of English class and think positively about English class in general; however, they regard the gap between the levels of English skills among students to be the biggest problem and writing is the most difficult. Also, sixth graders show far more reduced recognition on the necessity of English class and feel the activities are boring. This result implies that it is needed to build measures for level-based English class and develop and apply diverse English class activities in consideration of each grade’s characteristics. Also, it is necessary to establish measures for effective writing instruction through teachers’ conversion of recognition on writing instruction as well as systematic training.
본 연구의 목적은 초등학교 영어 수업에 대한 초등학생의 인식을 알아보는데 있다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 성별, 학년, 선행학습 경험 정도를 배경 변인으로 하여 다음과 같은 연... |