韓‧ 中 新語 중 派生語의 比較 硏究 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

이 연구는 新語에 사용된 派生語를 中心으로 형태구조에 나타나는 樣相을 比較함으로써 韓․中 新語派生語가 어떤 共通點과 差異點이 있는지를 알아보고자 하는 데에 目的이 있다. ...

이 연구는 新語에 사용된 派生語를 中心으로 형태구조에 나타나는 樣相을 比較함으로써 韓․中 新語 중 派生語가 어떤 共通點과 差異點이 있는지를 알아보고자 하는 데에 目的이 있다.
新語가 나타나면서 新語 중 派生語도 같이 增加하고 있다. 하지만 韓‧中 派生語에 대한 硏究는 아직도 각자 硏究하는 단계에 그칠 뿐, 대비하는 연구가 많지 않다. 韓國語는 中國語와 다른 언어체계를 가지고 있지만 역사상 영향이 많이 받아 왔기 때문에 많은 共通點을 發見할 수 있다. 이 연구는 韓國語 新語 資料集 <사전에 없는 말-신조어>와 中國語 新語 資料集 <21世紀華語新詞語詞典>에 나온 派生語를 中心으로 韓‧中 派生語의 槪念과 類型을 살펴보았고, 接辭와 派生語로 나누어 接辭는 形式과 意味를 基準으로, 派生語는 語種과 品詞를 基準으로 對比하여 각각의 特徵을 밝히고 共通點과 差異點을 살펴보았다.
比較를 통해서 韓․中 新語에 사용된 派生語는 여러 가지 共通點과 差異點을 엿볼 수 있다. 共通點은 新語에 사용된 派生語 중에 名詞派生語가 가장 큰 비중을 차지하는 것, 接辭化 現象이 존재하는 것, 準接辭(類接辭)가 존재하는 것, 냉(冷)-, 초(超)-, -족(族), -제(制) 등의 同形 完全同義 接辭를 가지는 것, 接辭가 名詞句를 잘 결합할 수 있는 것 등이 있고 差異點은 韓國語 派生語 중에 切斷 現象이 있는 것, 韓國語 接尾辭 ‘-방(房)’과 中國語 接尾辭 ‘-房’이 同形 不完全同義語 接辭인 것, 韓國語 接尾辭 ‘-이즘(ism)’과 中國語 接尾辭 ‘-主義’가 異形 不完全同義語 接辭인 것, 中國語 接辭가 알파벳과 더 자유롭게 결합할 수 있는 특징이 있는 것 등이 있다.

Based on derived words of the neologism, this study reveals both the common grounds and the disparities between the derived words of Chinese and Korean neologism via the comparison of morphological theories of both two languages. With the accelera...

Based on derived words of the neologism, this study reveals both the common grounds and the disparities between the derived words of Chinese and Korean neologism via the comparison of morphological theories of both two languages.
With the accelerating emergence of the neologism, the derived words of the neologism in both Chinese and Korean have grown substantially and the fact that lots of stems have been assimilated into affix has aroused tremendous concern. However, scholars carrying out researches in this field in both China and Korea, instead of making relevant comparative study, merely focus on the study of the derived words in the irown countries. It is Korean students majoring in Chinese language and Chinese students specializing in Korean that concentrate the research orientation on the comparative study in which the affix of Chinese language constitutes the majorpart, orrather, the derived words are mentioned as one of word for mation in studies which target at neologism.
Integrating the derived words in either Chinese or loanwords, this study focuses on the derived words. Centered on the derived words in NeologismWords Unavailable in Dictionaries, neologism reference material in Korean, and A 21st Century Dictionary of Chinese New Words, neologism reference material in Chinese, this study, based on the analysis of the derived words in both Chinese and Korean as well as the concepts and types of affix, demonstrates the traits of derived words of Chinese and Korean neologism from two perspectives of the form and meaning of affix as well as the linguistic type and the part of speech of derived words.
Via the comparison, it is conspicuous that there exist a variety of common grounds and discrepancies between the derived words of Chinese and Korean neologism. What makes them similar is that there are several homogeneous features in both two languages, such as the derived words in nouns accounting for the largest portion in Chinese and Korean neologism, affixation in derived word, similar affix in both Chinese and Korean affix like ‘냉(冷)-, 초(超)-, -족(族), -제(制)’, etc, and certain affix easily affixed to nouns and noun phrases, etc. Differences lie in facts that there arises ellipsis in the affix of loanwords in Korean derived words, that there are more prefix in Chinese loanwords than in Korean, that the suffix ‘-房(방)’ in Korean and Chinese is a pair of homomorphic incomplete synonym, that the suffix ‘-ism’ in Korean loanwords and Chinese is a pair of heteromorphic incomplete synonym and that affix in Chinese are better affixed with letters, etc.
