한국기업의 국제광고에 대한 중국소비자의 반응에 관한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Nowadays, China has led to a rapidly growing international trade in the global market. Korea, which is a neighbor of China, has a trade market that is more and more dependent on China. Advertisement is an effective way for promoting products and compa...

Nowadays, China has led to a rapidly growing international trade in the global market. Korea, which is a neighbor of China, has a trade market that is more and more dependent on China. Advertisement is an effective way for promoting products and companies abroad, thus the purpose of this study was to assess Chinese consumers attitudes towards Korean advertisements.
Through this study, it tried to indicate that the Balance Model formulation appears useful for predicting consumer attitudes toward advertisements. According to the framework used in the previous studies, this study depicts the relationships and interactions among the source, the message, the product and the consumer's cognitive response and affective response.
The cognitive component was measured by the contents as Believable, Informative and Clear. The affective component was measured by the contents as Interesting, Appealing, Impressive, Attractive and Eye-catching.
There are two hypotheses regarding the effectiveness of Korea advertisements relative to Chinese advertisements that were tested.

Hypothesis 1: Korean advertisements will produce a similar cognitive response from the Chinese consumer as Chinese advertisements will.
Hypothesis 2: Korea advertisements will produce a more positive affective response from the Chinese consumer than Chinese advertisements will.

For these hypotheses, this study compared print advertisements, which used the name of Chinese company and the name of Korean company as those company's products advertisements. There were two kinds of test advertisements designed as chocolate pie advertisements with a Chinese company name and a Korean company name. Three hundred university-students in Beijing were chosen as subjects for finishing the inquiry s. Following data collection correlations were calculated between item scores and total component scores.
The results indicated that both hypotheses were supported. Through this study, it is suggested that, even though Korean international advertisements have been successfully launched in China, more effort has to been done in the future for keeping or improving affective responses due to more competition in the Chinese market. Furthermore the balance model has been used in this study to predict the usefulness of Chinese consumer attitudes toward Korean advertisements.
