중학교 다문화 가정 학생의 학습 한국어 능력 신장을 위한 한국어 교육과정 설계 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Study on Designing Korean Language Curriculum to Improve "Learning Korean Proficiency" Among Students from a Multicultural Household Kim, Kyungryul Department of Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language The Graduate School of Education Hankuk ...

Study on Designing Korean Language Curriculum
to Improve "Learning Korean Proficiency" Among Students from a Multicultural Household

Kim, Kyungryul

Department of Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language
The Graduate School of Education
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

This study suggests the need of a new Korean curriculum for students from multicultural households since the current curriculum does not reflect their needs at all. The researcher designed an exemplary curriculum which is developed from the limitation of the present Korean curriculum. This attempt is made in order to provide a base for the future Korean curriculum.
In chapter II, the researcher analyzes the existing Korean curriculum. In the analysis, it clearly shows that the current curriculum is targeted only for general students whose mother tongue is Korean. As a result, the curriculum has its limitation when it is applied to multicultural learners from different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, the researcher suggests the essential conditions that can overcome the limitation of the present curriculum.
In chapter III, the researcher designs an actual curriculum. The curriculum includes cognitive and affective domains. The former includes learning strategies that most multicultural students find difficult and the latter deals with identity problems and open attitudes towards multiculturalism.
When it comes to the content, the new Korean curriculum basically follows the steps of the present curriculum and is divided into more detailed steps both for teachers and students in order to achieve the target goals in more effective ways.
The learning method is presented by adopting simple repetition and learning in the depth approach at the same time which is based on the spiral learning method. This method has already proved effective in order to accomplish a perfect learning. In addition, the researcher emphasizes that the amount of learning material per unit should not overwhelm learners.
When designing the evaluation, the researcher employs three evaluation formats; diagnosis evaluation for diagnosing individual starting points, formative evaluation for assisting learners accomplish perfect learning, and accumulative evaluation for recording their gradual progress on the "student card." These evaluations occur throughout the whole curriculum so that teachers can supply what students want and need at the right moments. Naturally, these various evaluations will help students reduce their learning anxiety.
The value of this newly designed curriculum can be stated as follows. Firstly, the curriculum accommodates the ultimate educational principle of equal opportunity. At this moment, the children from multicultural households are deprived of their rights to get equal educational opportunities because of the limitation of the present curriculum. By redesigning the curriculum, all learners in Korea are able to get equal educational benefits. Secondly, it is a demand from our ever-changing society. This new curriculum for multicultural background students and its actualization can potentially reshape the Korean educational paradigm. It will also play a role of being a stepping stone to a better society.
