농인의 수화사용경험에 관한 내러티브 탐구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this research is to find out the experience of life and experience process through the sign language for the daily life of the Deaf and comprehensively search for the implication in the sign language using experience within. Communicati...

The purpose of this research is to find out the experience of life and experience process through the sign language for the daily life of the Deaf and comprehensively search for the implication in the sign language using experience within. Communication method of language in sign language would be a way to bring out the mutual recognition simultaneously within the 2Bi in the Deaf society and the hearing-person society. Through the personal history of the Deaf, lyrical description, metaphor, and folk knowledge and others, the story with implications would be solidified, and the socio-cultural experience as the narratives method to search for the sign language experience of the Deaf with the mutual reaction within the local comunity, such as, family, sign language translation center, school, occupation and others. Under the social systems for the Deaf to live with the hearing-person, the attempt was made to find out how to communicate for the cultural conflict and compromising process, understand the mutually changed experience and find out the change of lives. By contemplating the research issues in ‘how about experiencing the sign language use of the Deaf?’ and ‘what is the implication of sign language use experience?’, detailed alternative to solve the problem.
This researcher has presented the social system theory as the research theory to satisfy the purpose of this research and adopted the narrative search method with the appropriate research method. The narrative research method is the best method to understand and experience personal experience of participants that this search method would be to discover what would be the fact. Selection of the participants to satisfy the purpose of this research was made for the subject of 4 Deafs having the requirements of sufficiency and adaptability of the research. Data collection period was from September 2008 to November 2009, and it included the documentary contemplation, in-depth interview, observation, on-site notes, research daily, mail exchanged with researcher, description of participants, Internet data, relevant movie or sign language words and paintings, poems, video materials and others. Interview was made by the researcher with the personal use of sign language and the consent was obtained from the participants in advance. After filming the interview process with the camcorder and product the film in CD to translate the sign language into the Korean language with the recording work. The analysis process had the focus on the research issues for each story of research participants and went through the process to repeat the analysis and interpretation to find the implications. Stories on the sign language using experience of the Deaf were classified into experience before using sign language, experience after using sign language, and experience in sign language translation service to seek for the implication of sign language and sign language use experience.
Prior to use the sign language, <A> experienced <demand for oral communication>, <poke fun at deaf>, and <fear of meeting the hearing-person and sense of denial>, and after using the sign language, experience of <A> was shown to be <express the feel relieved conversation>, <change mother>, and <living is more fun>. The sign language translation service to <A> was experienced for <turning point to understand better of each other(hearing-person)>, <confidence within the hearing-person community>, and <turning the world following the capability of interpreter>. Therefore, for <A>, the meaning of sign language was the <ring to the society>.
Prior to use the sign language, <B> experienced <feeling of loneliness to family>, <demanded of oral communication>, and <feeling of lethargic self>, and after using the sign language, experience of <B> was shown to be <making fresh and pleasant conversation>, <growing the hearing-person children with sign language>, and <become the Deaf interpreter>, and the sign language translation service was on <excessiveness for children's interpretation>, <different capability sign language interpretation service>, and <sign language interpretation service fit for the Deaf>. Therefore, the implication of <B> was the <unique communication route>.
<C> was born as the child born with the Deaf that is organized with the farming family without any experience of learning sign language before. After using the sign language, experience of <C> was shown to be <language acquired>, <harmony within use sign language>, and <approached as the pride of the Deaf>, and sign language translation service to <C> was to experience in <difficulty of conveying the implication>, <same as the key to open the life>, and <reached as the limit>. Therefore the implication of sign language for <C> was the <linguistic right of the Deaf>.
Prior to use the sign language, <D> experienced <Home sign dialog>, <discovery self to Deaf>, and <follow without thinking>, and after using the sign language, experience of <D> was shown to be <approached as the meaning to accomplish>, <accept the fact of the disabled>, and <feeling of how to live>. And, the sign language translation service to <D> was to experience in <understand the lecture>, <feeling to change>, and <wanting of genuine and humble sign language interpreter>. Therefore, the implication of sign language for <D> was the <find the identity from the last to the first>.
Such stories of experiencing the sign language use of participants were formulated in metaphorical implication in ‘Yeon-ri-ji’ that has the oak tree and pine tree to live separately but met in one day to turn into a tree. With respect to the conflict and challenge encountered psychological and social experience due to the cultural difference of the Deaf and the hearing-person, it makes the compromise and change actively to make the mutual exchange of the Deaf and the hearing-person as it implicates the dynamic process made for new culture.
