국외입양동포 사후관리 정책 연구 : 한국어교육 정책을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to provide an effective current model for post adoption services policy through analysis of current and past policy making. Its objective is also to provide data and research in support of establishing a Korean language ed...

The purpose of this study is to provide an effective current model for post adoption services policy through analysis of current and past policy making. Its objective is also to provide data and research in support of establishing a Korean language education policy.Chapter 1: This study focuses on Korean adoptees in the population of overseas Koreans. It shows that there is a lack of public policy relevant to Korean adoptees’ needs. The study recommends that a national policy for post adoption services for adoptees be developed which can be established into law. The study also recommends support for Korean language education for adoptees. A Korean adoptee is defined as an overseas Korean who is adopted overseas. Post adoption services should be defined as life-long support for people who are connected to overseas adoption through all the different stages of their lives. This study also examines previous research on post adoption services, Korean language education, Korean education policies and overseas adoption. PoliciesChapter 2: The study tried to connect the history of overseas Koreans with the history of international adoption through international marriage and bi-racial integration. A broad adoption policy was classified by its time and circumstances. Its communities are divided into adult adoptees communities, adoptive family communities, its supportive association, and a supporters organization. It then explored their present statue, features, and present activities. After that, it describes Korean language education for overseas adoptees concerning its backgrounds, motive for taking Korean, and the current situation of Korean education in depth and detail.Chapter 3 defines the object of this study and the method for post adoption services using documentary, inspection results, related workshop materials, resources from overseas adoption experts, and focused interviews for qualitative analysis. It theoretically analyzes the major factors affecting policy making and evaluation after policy has been implemented.Chapter 4 evaluates examples of program implementation and investigates how the policies of the post adoption care system are determined. It shows the relation between policy decision and factors such as lawsuits, Congress’s role (legislation, inspection), chief executive’s preference, the term and record of the manager in charge of departments, duration of the person in charge, and budget. In order to understand the effects upon determination of the law, we selected supportive Business, Invite Programme, searching for birth family, support for Korean language education, visiting motherland on the basis of the result of written questionnaires, and audits by the National Assembly. We examined three patterns: government led, government-private harmony/conflict, and private led in the thesis conducted by Cho Hang Rok (2002).As a result of this research, chapter 5 shows post adoption services have been developing complementarily in a circle model in which the pursuit of the policy has an effect on the subsequent execution of the policies. There are various factors which effect policy making for post adoption services: lawsuit, role of the government, chief executive’s preference, duration of the department’s manager, and specialty of the person in charge. Also the number of Korean Adoptees and media are the core bridge between legislation and performance. The performance of the post adoption services, which is categorized in a ‘government-private harmony/conflict pattern’ is separately executed, first some part of invite program, which is led by government and secondly post adoption services by private community. Korean language education support for Korean adoptees has strong relation to every aspect of post adoption services, and by itself has the biggest role in the adoption services policy. However the support itself is not merely adequate because it is quite short term to a very few candidates, but also give a right to be educated their mother language.Finally I have suggested (as a solution) the provisional terms in a law and offer the standardized and specialized post adoption services which considerate to be suitable and reflects the needs for Korean adoptees. At the same time, I also argue that there be a special aid for the counselor who is in charge of these services and I diversify the routes which can be easily informed their asks and requirements. Furthermore we should reconsider the present method of the Korean language education system, which needs additional enhancement and enlargement through the establishment of a specialized education center for adoptees, which can also be used by overseas Koreans.This study did not find an exemplary model for the execution of post adoption services from other countries due to a regional boundary. Nevertheless this study realized and visualized the performance and execution of the post adoption services to suggest the policy model for establishing a Korean language education program for overseas adopted Koreans based on their characteristics and needs.
