설화를 통한 한국어 교육 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Increased education theories and teaching - studying methods are being presented recently, with the sudden rise of demand for Korean language. However, most research has focused on the Korean functional education. In other words, speaking, listening, ...

Increased education theories and teaching - studying methods are being presented recently, with the sudden rise of demand for Korean language. However, most research has focused on the Korean functional education. In other words, speaking, listening, reading and writing is focused on four areas for research and education is too focused on your area is. Some books also dealing with culture and education and culture classes, and the degree to which present knowledge is fragmentary. However, the relationship between language and culture are the inseparable to each other. The development of language and culture in the formation, maintenance, and culture through the language, because most can reveal. In other words, this close relationship to the language and culture to education separately by separating the Korean education can not be right. Culture in language teaching to do this, and naturally learned to communicate, to reflect the legitimate educational needs.
Therefore, this study aimed to examine the importance of culture education and seek a method to reach functional and cultural education together. Texts found as part of the method were tales from classical literature. The reason why classical literature was selected is because classical literature contains traditional Korean culture, and such cultural elements still affect us today. Thus, culture in classical literature pieces can have a positive effect on improving communication functions. Educating on culture through tales in particular out of classical literature pieces, would allow appropriately harmonious education between communication skills and cultural knowledge. This is because tales abundantly contain cultural areas such as our traditional values, lifestyle and traditions. In addition, culture in tales are not presented in a one-dimensional way, but are naturally presented amidst a story. If such cultural factors melted in a story are used to teach speaking, listening, reading and writing, foreign students will not just gain knowledge on Korean culture but properly understand the culture through a natural situation. Therefore, using tales of the Korean culture and education will be efficient education. Making an appropriate selection of tales to be used as useful texts for culture education is also very important. The general and unique aspects of culture need to be used appropriately when educating culture. Therefore, it is best to choose tales that are known around the world. The main frame of famous tales known around the world are generally similar. But according to the cultural characteristics of each country has a slightly different nature. Therefore, according to the country to learn about cultural differences can be an appropriate text.
In this thesis of the uniqueness and universality, and choose a <The Woodcutter and the Fairy> tales discuss specific elements of the educational culture. In <The Woodcutter and the Fairy> unique points about Korean culture such as geographical characteristics, the idea of perennial youth and longevity, gratitude of animals, the heart of woodcutters, how to go to heaven, motherly love and filial piety by coming back to earth. If such culture educational factors are used together with functional education to teach culture to foreign students, foreign students learning Korean will receive more significant education. Therefore, the study presented teaching - study methods that combine cultural and functional education, together with other culture educational factors. However, there is a need for more diverse studies on teaching - study methods that combine cultural and functional education.
