TV 광고를 활용한 한국 문화교육 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study began with the idea that television commercial advertisements, which reflect Korean culture and society accurately, would be an effective instructional media in terms of teaching Korean culture. A number of studies have proven the importa...

This study began with the idea that television commercial advertisements, which reflect Korean culture and society accurately, would be an effective instructional media in terms of teaching Korean culture.
A number of studies have proven the importance of emphasizing the cultural aspect while learning or teaching the Korean language. However, in reality, the cultural curriculum depends heavily on textbooks and instructors’ explanations, which creates a dull atmosphere. Therefore, a new method that is both entertaining and effective to students learning Korean culture is necessary. This critiques the current Korean cultural curriculum that greatly relies on textbooks, acknowledges the need of a new method, and seeks the answer through TV ads.
The first part of this will examine the properness of using TV ads in terms of Korean cultural education by reviewing the need, purpose, and the course of Korean culture. Furthermore, this study will discuss the need of a method that would overcome the limitation of textbooks, reflect Korean culture accurately, would be entertaining and that would be useful in comparative cultural studies, and argues that the fitting method could be TV ads.
In order to examine the appropriateness of the use of TV ads in teaching Korean culture, this analyzes theories of relations between culture and television, and explores the concepts and characters of TV ads. This article will argue that five qualities of TV ads will serve as an effective cultural education method. The fact that TV ads well reflect one’s culture, are brief (end within a minute), are audio-visual material, are authentic materials, and that they deal with various themes are the five qualities.
Before suggesting the context of the curriculum, this will analyze how to choose the right TV ads according to the commercial theme and student’s perspective, choose the right cultural category, and then choose the right TV ads as an example that conveys the context of the cultural education that has been chosen through studying the textbook.
This study suggests that the context mentioned above to be demonstrated in actual class through the process of introduction, development and activity. Furthermore, this will provide a practical educational proposal that contains multiple TV ads, so that students can develop ideas watching the ads.
Furthermore, this demonstrates how to teach Korean using TV ads in order to cover all cultural aspects, and demolishes the stereotype that commercial films are inappropriate for cultural education.
However, the use of only one film per each cultural aspect that limits the understanding, the fact that the suggested curriculum does not reflect on students’ request, and the method’s effectiveness which has not been proven yet through actual practices are the limitations of this study.
