영어와 한국어의 정보전달 구조 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purport of this is to explore the information structures in both Korean and English. The study provides general understanding of information structures of the two languages based on Theme-Rheme structure and looks into the structural differe...

The purport of this is to explore the information structures in both Korean and English. The study provides general understanding of information structures of the two languages based on Theme-Rheme structure and looks into the structural differences of word order and theme development.
Although there are a number of information structure models, this limits its scope to Hallidayan Theme-Rheme structure for English, and Lee, Hee-Ja’s Theme-Rheme structure for Korean. The attraction of the Hallidayan view is very simple to follow and apply, unlike the rather complex explanations of the Prague School.
This dissertation comprises four chapters: Introduction (Chapter 1), Definition of Theme-Rheme structure in English (Chapter 2), Definition of Theme-Rheme structure in Korean (Chapter 3), and Conclusion (Chapter 4).
Chapter 1 deals with the motivation and anticipated contribution of the study, a review of preliminary studies, and the discussion of research methodology. Chapter 2 rebuilds the concept of information structure in English and the notion divides into Information structure and Thematic structure, and also into marked theme and unmarked theme arrangements. Chapter 3 sees to the concept of information structure in Korean by suggesting theoretical background and demonstrating the importance of Korean theme-marker, or neun’s role. Chapter 4 summarizes the results of the study, and acknowledges the limitations of this study.
