現代漢語“起來”句法語義及韓國語的對譯比較 : 왕원비 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Based on the synchronic researches of the distribution and function of the word “QI LAI” in contemporary chinese language, this thesis analyzes the grammaticalization process of “QI LAI” from diachronic perspective and researches the inner rel...

Based on the synchronic researches of the distribution and function of the word “QI LAI” in contemporary chinese language, this thesis analyzes the grammaticalization process of “QI LAI” from diachronic perspective and researches the inner relations of different functional meanings of “QI LAI”. It consists of three chapters except the prologue and conclusion.
From four aspects of the adscription of word class, syntactic functions, meangings and grammaticalization of “QI LAI”, the prologue reviews the research fruits about “QI LAI” in the field of the grammar.
Chapter 1 The distribution and function of “QI LAI”. In contemporary chinese language, “QI LAI” mainly presents in syntactic formats of “NP/QI LAI(/VP)、NP/V/QI LAI、NP1/V/QI/NP2/LAI”,it can function as predicate( besides Serial verbal phrases constituted of “QI LAI” and other verbal elements) , complement and other syntactic component. When function as predicate, it indicates initiative action, but when function as complement, it can express meanings of action tendency, begin to continue and accomplished results. This chapter analyzes the differences between the amalgamation type of “NP/V/ QI LAI /VP” and the separated type of “NP1/V/ QI/NP2/ LAI”. In addition, “QI LAI” can be used to mark topic, which is similar to the form when it function as complement, but there are some important distinctive features in grammar expression.
Chapter 2 The factors which restrict the grammatical meaning of complement “QI LAI”. When function as complement, the grammatical meanings of “QI LAI” mostly depend on the properties of its front verb and adjective. The verbs in front of “QI LAI”which expresses meaning of action tendency must be provided with displacement characteristic and the differences between “self move” and “external move” are able to influence the semantic orientation of “QI LAI”. When “QI LAI” expresses the meaning of “begin to continue”, its front verbs have continuity in time, but no displacement character in space, and when it appears after adjective, it can only express the meaning of “begin to continue”. While its front verbs indicates semantic features of “assemble from around to interspace”, ”hide or collect” and so on, “QI LAI” express results of action. When “QI LAI” is used to mark topic, “V QI LA” has lost its time character of verb and the verb indicates extension or aspects of comment appraise.
In the third part, we analyzed the meaning of “QI LAI”, focused on its meaning features of the verb when it expressed different syntax meanings, and probed into its extended meaning relationship.At the same time,We tried to find out its corresponding relationship of its meaning between the suface syntax structure and its latency structure.
In the forth part, we compared its meaning in Chinese and Korean language by 97sentences, and probed into the comparation of the corresponding sentence models.
In the last addendum part, We reviewed each meaning items of the verbs in the <verb classes and pandect of literatures catalogs>, and expected higher maneuverability for the future differentiating work to the word“QI LAI".

“起来”在现在汉语中的使用频率非常高,分布十分广泛,用法也较为复杂,很早就引起了学术界的关注。 第一部分对前人进行&...

在第四部分中 通过出现的97个句子进行对译及略论,并探究对应的句型比较。
