현실요법의 사목상담 적용에 관한 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Study on the application of Reality Therapy to pastoral counseling No, Kyeung-Deok Department of , Graduate School, The Catholic University of Korea <Director : Prof. Choi, Young Hee> E...

Study on the application of Reality Therapy
to pastoral counseling
No, Kyeung-Deok
Department of , Graduate School, The Catholic University of Korea
<Director : Prof. Choi, Young Hee>

Even before counseling was developed into an independent field, priests responsible for pastoral work, often played an important role as counselors to their faithful. In Korean society today, due to medical barriers and especially due to the prejudice of the people regarding psychological problems and treatment, the role of the priest as counselors is considered to be of greater importance than in the past.

This intends to show that studies are being conducted in this field and the same time, explores the possibility of applying 'Reality Therapy', which is receiving great attention today because of its simplicity and positive effects, to pastoral counseling.

'Reality Therapy' (RT) is a counseling theory developed by William Glaser in 1965.Glaser noticed that all of us 'make a choice' in order to satisfy our desires in a given moment. From here Glaser developed a theory which teaches that the counselor's role is to help the patient achieve his satisfaction by making the right choice, always within the bounds of social behavior.

'RT' explains the process from a person's recognition of something to taking this recognition to an action as the total behavior. According to Glaser the behavior of a human being consists of four aspects, namely, 'doing', 'thinking', 'feeling' and 'physiology'. These four aspects form a human being's behavior in the same way that four wheels make a car move as a single body. Glaser argues that if a person wants to change himself, he should change 'doing' over which one has complete control; then the other three 'wheels' (that is, 'thinking', 'feeling' and 'physiology') would automatically be transformed as well. In other words, the more often one participates in activities, has good feelings and joyful thoughts, a better natural comfort would also come along.

Although 'RT' is a theory with many good and positive points, some might consider it to be a very worldly theory, especially when seen from the point of view of the traditional understandingof spirituality, which teaches that 'desire' (our desires) can only be fulfilled when everything is given up. However, the word 'desire' as used in 'RT' corresponds to the English word 'need' or 'want'; in Korean it is translated as 'desire' and may have a variety of meanings, such as: desire, wants, wishes, needs, cravings, appetites, hopes, etc. Also by looking at every aspect of human behavior, including mental disorder or crime as a 'best choice', 'RT' has dealt with unhealthy behaviors without hatred.

I began this study with the intention to help believers to live truly liberated and happy lives within Christ, with improved inner control and responsibility based on religious faith and pastoral counseling following the principles of 'RT'. To achieve this purpose, I examined closely whether 'RT' is applicable topastoral counseling, which is a field of theology, and, if it is applicable, how to apply it. I have examined the theory of 'RT' systematically, its strengths and limitations in this particular field of pastoral counseling.

In the past, using traditional methods, the Church has played a very important role in this area. It is time, following the spirit of the second Vatican Council, to search for new methods in order to continue to play the role of counselor and so better help the people in need.

After having carefully and systematically studied this new method, I have found that 'RT' is a simple, positive and effective way of counseling and that it can be used in the pastoral care of the faithful.

Finally, I wish to recommend the 'RT' method to all priests, Sisters and other people engaged in the pastoral care of the faithful.
