한국어교육에서의 후회 표현 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to help and let the foreign language learners who are learning Korean, to use suitable expressions of regret in each situations, by classifying the expressions of regret in Korean, and considering the features of indicatin...

The purpose of this study is to help and let the foreign language learners who are learning Korean, to use suitable expressions of regret in each situations, by classifying the expressions of regret in Korean, and considering the features of indicating. For this reason, the expressions and concepts of regret will be arranged, and will also see features in morphologyㆍsyntactics and semanticsㆍpragmatics. Furthermore, the study will investigate when those expressions are used and search them in discoursing situations for effective learning for the learners.
Generally regret is 'Negative feelings of sorriness or frustrating when people think the present life could be much better, if the past was different from now'. This study begins a discussion by regarding a compound formation, which has meaning function expressing 'regret', as 'expressions of regret'. If a formation of a subordinate clause and the main clause, auxiliary verb, etc. have meaning functions, they are also seen as 'expressions of regret'.
The expressions of regret can be divided into three kinds of types.
First, by using an assumed expression like '-eossdeoramyeon' '-eossderado' on a subordinate clause and using supposed expression like '-eosseultende', '-eosseulgul' on the main clause, the whole sentence can have a meaning of 'regret'. Second, the expression of '-(eu)lgul', which means that if the choice made in the past was known that it was not better than another choice, it would not be chosen, is another expression of 'regret'. In front of '-(eu)lgul', an assumed subordinate clause can be existed. Finally, '-eosseya hada', which means that it regrets not having kept essential conditions in the past, is the other expression of 'regret'.
On the first chapter, it has examined a goal and scope of the research. It has examined how much the those expressions are used in the Korean education as a foreign language by making the 'expression' of 'regret' as 'expressions of regret'.
The second chapter has defined the concept of those expressions and has examined their kinds. Also, it has examined how the regretting expressions are described in the Korean language text books. Every textbook presents different degrees of difficult and orders. Some text books don't instruct the differences of the meanings and some don't deal with a few expressions of 'regret'. To arrange orders of presenting grammar by degrees of difficult way and approaching spirally including introduction way, practiceㆍapplication, etc are needed to be presented.
In the third chapter has examined formalㆍsyntactic characters of regretting expressions. The expressions of regret are characterized that they unite with '-eoss-' at the conditional connective ending words of a main clause, this shows the opposition against the past truth and past conditions. On the subordinate clause, '-eoss-' can be united or not, in case of expressing the past suppositions, it unites with '-eoss-' and in case of expressing possibility of those days, it doesn't unite with it. As formalㆍsyntactic characters, a combining relation with auxiliary words, a combining relation with subjects, a combining relation with the mood and the tense and a combining relation with negative expressions have been examined.
The fourth chapter has examined meaning characters of expressions of regret. When an assumption is expressed, the expression of '-(eu)myun' and '-eodo' are often used, the expression of '-eodo' has shown more inconvenience than the expression of '-(eu)myun'. The expression '-eossdeondeul' has not been used much by speakers, so if it wants to be instructed, it may be better to be presented on the latter of high grade. On the contrary that '-eosseoya hassda' can be used to express 'regret' about the thing that can be done or cannot be done, '-(eu)lgul' can only be used to regret the thing that can be done with self intention. By which is regretted, a subordinate clause and the main clause can be omitted, and a premise of the reason why it is regretted can be omitted in the situation of conversation.
The fifth chapter has analyzed that which meanings the regretting expressions have in the discourseㆍpractical situation. The regretting expressions have been shown by conversation, they are mainly shown in the close relationships and they have functioned a lot including expressing the feeling of sorriness and regret. For example, '-eosseodo', '-eosseultende' used to express 'criticism' and '-eosseuya hada' used to express 'excuse'.
This study has dealt with characters between each regretting expression in detail, however, it couldn't accomplish the study by quantitative analysis, so it is hard to know which expression is used the most. Also, it has limits that it couldn't discuss an educational method about instruction of regretting expressions. However, it is meaningful that it has arranged the use of regretting expressions by studying meaning functions in terms of conversationㆍpractice with formalㆍsyntactic characters of regretting expressions.
