보편원리로서의 OCP [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The trend in linguistics today is to look for broad-ranging principles to explain linguistic phenomena, rather than to proliterate rule systems. One of such principles is the Obligatory Contour Principle(OCP) as a central constraint which prohibits th...

The trend in linguistics today is to look for broad-ranging principles to explain linguistic phenomena, rather than to proliterate rule systems. One of such principles is the Obligatory Contour Principle(OCP) as a central constraint which prohibits the specification of identical adjacent segments in phonological representations.
The goal of this thesis is to examine the effects of the OCP in English and Korean phonology. For this purpose, the interactions between phonological rules and representation will be discussed. And then it will be shown how the phonological processes should be represented on the basis of the OCP constraint.
As theoretical assumptions for those analyses, I will discuss true vs. apparent geminate, feature geometry by McCarthy's model, antigemination and tier conflation which are consistent with the OCP with well-known examples from English, Korean and other languages.
In this thesis I suggest that many phonological phenomena in Modern English can be analyzed more simply and adequately when we make use of the OCP. As for Modern English phonological English rules, for example, a spirantization rule is blocked when a target segment is already adjacent to /s/. Similarly, the plural prefix and past tense suffix rule are also subject to this blocking effect of the OCP, and the complementary distribution of -tion/- ive suffixes respects the OCP by the epenthesis rule to repair the OCP violation. The OCP may behave as a Syllable Structure Constraint in the choice of well-formed onset cluster in English, and as a Morpheme Structure Constraint.
In chapter 4, I will try to examine the OCP effects in Margi and Shona. From this analysis, the OCP can be proved to be a universal constraint and be effective in putting together the seemingly discrete phenomena in a consistent way.
In chapter 5, I will explain the Consonant Cluster Simplification phenomena in terms of the OCP. In my explanation, the OCP allows the statement of the rule to be simplified in Korean. The degemination rule of Vowel Contraction in Korean is also offered in support of this argument of the OCP. Another evidence of the OCP in Korean is the tensification of obstruents. I will mention two kinds of tensifications. One is the general tensification which [-aspirated] consonants change to [/tense] consonants and the other is 't-insertion' between two compound nouns.
