「훈몽자회(訓蒙字會)」를 중심으로 한 최세진의 이중언어 교육에 관한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The main purpose of this study is to investigate Choe, Sejin’s bilingual education with 「HunMongJaHoe」, which Choe, Sejin compiled. Choe, Sejin was Korean and Chinese linguistic scholar in early Joseon era. Choe, Sejin had thorough knowledge in...

The main purpose of this study is to investigate Choe, Sejin’s bilingual education with 「HunMongJaHoe」, which Choe, Sejin compiled.
Choe, Sejin was Korean and Chinese linguistic scholar in early Joseon era. Choe, Sejin had thorough knowledge in Chinese linguistics and devoted his entire life as a scholar researching Chinese and education; therefore his 「HunMongJaHoe」 can’t be separate work of Korean and Chinese. 「HunMongJaHoe」’s annotations contain 812 Chinese’s colloquialism glossaries at that time period and Korean terms. From this one may assume Choe, Sejin had full knowledge in both Korean and Chinese and was a bilingual scholar who tried to teach Korean and Chinese with all his heart. Choe, Sejin’s, a bilingual scholar, 「HunMongJaHoe」, which were produced in 1527 for children, was a study book for bilingual education.
First of all, the partⅠ is an introduction with an end of the study, general outline, and the process of research as well as organization of the .
PartⅡ contains research on education of bilinguist at Joseon era. The word ‘bilinguist’ indicates an ability or action of a person who can speak more than two languages. In some opinions, the children raised in bilingual homes may take more time to learn to speak, but once after picked up with both languages, those children has more intellectual power than the others. Even in the early times of Joseon Dynasty, as diplomacy with neighboring countries was an important thing, Sayeokwon(司譯院) and Seungmunwon(承文院) were established to cultivate Chinese interpreters. These agencies were bilinguist training agencies. There is a record that King SeongJong(成宗) personally studied Chinese. As we take these trends into consideration, foreign language education boom has already existed in Joseon era, and Choe, Sejin already knew the worth of bilingual education. He understood in order to not fall behind in international competition, studying Chinese was the right matter of the time. The writer investigated the characteristics of studying pursued in early Joseon era and the desirable way of studying two languages.
In partⅢ, I studied how Korean traditional School(書堂), which was the ground for children education, taught and which text books they used in order to teach Korean and the Chinese characters. Korean traditional School(書堂) used more books like 「HunMongJaHoe」 or similar books that dealt with universe, history, morals, education, nature, or real life than the books that only emphasizes the moral principles. In addition to that, I took a notice on the books that were used for juvenile education, which were written in both Korean and Chinese at the same time, so that children can comprehend Korean not knowing or thinking that they are actually studying.
In PartⅣ, in order to understand the actual circumstances of Choe, Sejin’s bilingual education, I went through modern Chinese words that are mentioned in 「HunMongJaHoe」. Understandings of colloquial Chinese vocabularies are required for Chinese primer. Because of this reason, the purpose of 「HunMongJaHoe」 compilation was to accommodate this demand by making an additional remark of colloquial Chinese with Chinese character. 「HunMongJaHoe」 accommodated the necessity of colloquial Chinese, so it mentioned Chinese vocabularies under the cover ‘the contents in explanatory notes’. The 812 representative contents are presented. This was consideration for those who studied Chinese characters can also comprehend colloquial Chinese of the time. These intentions of Choe, Sejin are clear proof of actual circumstances of education of bilingual education.
PartⅤ contains the investigation on structure and content organization of 「HunMongJaHoe」. ?The Thousand Character Text? is tradition centered so it was hard for juveniles to understand with their level of understanding. Although「Yuhap類合? classified the Chinese characters in categories, but the small number of the characters that indicate concrete objects made hard to acquaint oneself with figure and truth of objects. On this, Choe, Sejin compiled 「HunMongJaHoe」 by complementing the content of「Yuhap類合? and classifying the words in the same classifying system as「Yuhap類合?. 「HunMongJaHoe」 is consist of total 33 kinds; the first volume has 16 kinds, the second volume has 16 kinds, and the third volume has 1 kind. 「HunMongJaHoe」 explains the words used in Korea and China in detail. This is an aspect of the education of bilingual. In this study, the third volume’s 1 kind, which are considered as miscellaneous words, are sorted in 14 kinds based on Gim, Jin Gyu (1993)’s classification.
PartⅥ is investigation of parts of study of 3,360 characters in 「HunMongJaHoe」. In 「HunMongJaHoe」<Introductory Remarks Article 2> ‘If an object’s name is consisted of two or three characters, or two or three popular names as well as nicknames, the word is not classified under only one character but under every characters in that word.’ This falls synonym and I investigated synonym.
At last in partⅦ, investigated teaching methods of bilinguist through 「HunMongJaHoe」. The ideal of language education of Choe, Sejin was combining the characters and matters. This view on language of Choe Sejin is investigated through 「HunMongJaHoe」, which was both Korean and Chinese study book. I investigated Choe, Sejin’s teaching method of two languages as stated in 「HunMongJaHoe」<Introductory Remarks Article 9>; make oneself familiar to Chinese after making oneself familiar with Korean. With Choe, Sejin’s view on Korean education, I investigated the fact that 「HunMongJaHoe」 is providing valuable data for research on early Joseon era and analyze the arrangement of Korean through ‘Eonmunjamo諺文字母’. In 「HunMongJaHoe」’s ‘Eonmunjamo諺文字母’, it was first time to specify the consonants and phonetic value of vowels, and establishment of alphabet arrangement are undeniable facts. This was the attitude of a Korean language scholar to teach Korean. And also investigated Choe, Sejin’s teaching method of Chinese. His Chinese teaching method (1)based on language learning principles, (2)education followed by Chinese language traits, (3)education by comparison to Korean language.
Many researches are positive on how Choe, Sejin compiled 「HunMongJaHoe」 for Korean education and Chinese characters (including Chinese spoken language). Researchers did not refer him as bilingual scholar, but in this stated as bilinguist. Written for Korean education and Chinese character education, 「HunMongJaHoe」 was teaching material which was in charge of bilingual education, and Choe, Sejin was bilingual educator.
