English should be taught in English, which means that Teaching English Through English that is called ‘TETE’ has been amended since 2001 by the Ministry of Education. To make English classes with this circumstance, English teachers must be well-ed...
English should be taught in English, which means that Teaching English Through English that is called ‘TETE’ has been amended since 2001 by the Ministry of Education. To make English classes with this circumstance, English teachers must be well-educated, especially in English speaking and also have a clear teaching method and technique to put in practice the ‘TETE’. The reason why this study suggests Movie-based instruction is to give tips to English teachers. The goal of this study is to improve Middle school students' English speaking competence.
This study involved three main concepts: TETE, Movie, and Project approach. English teachers should implement TETE in their own English class because the goal of this study is improving Middle school students' English speaking competence, so the chance of exposure in English circumstance is really important. In addition, the material is Movie that should be selected by students' degree and interest. This study suggests that movies can give an interesting motivation to students to study English. A project approach is focusing on the students and actually this approach is based on giving a task to students. When students prepare the task to present in English in their class, it will help cooperation with their team and also English presentation is needed to improve speaking competence. Therefore, this study suggests the Movie-based project instruction in TETE classes. Movies give an interesting topic to study English, a project approach is a student-centered approach to give them more chances to speak in English, and also TETE is a helpful class condition to improve students' speaking competence.
Here are the steps to make a movie-based project instruction in TETE classes in Middle school.
First, teacher and students select a movie that they will use as material and then, students have a brain-storming and guessing time about the movie that they will watch in their class. Teacher or students bring posters and pictures about the movie, put them on the board and then guess the story, characters and expressions.
Second, watch the movie three times in about 10 minutes scenes, then watch the whole story, watch the whole story without sound, and finally just listen without the video.
Third, teacher and students discuss what they watched and compare that to their guesses. Also students in their team have an interaction in the same way. At this moment, teacher should control the class to try to make students speak in English. In their team, they must also discuss in English. Teacher is a supporter to encourage students to speak.
Fourth, students give an English presentation in front of class based on their interaction. English presentation does not have a correct answer. This class is to the improve speaking competence, so opportunity to present in English is the most important thing. After the presentation, teacher gives a task for the next class. Students must guess the next scene and prepare the presentation, so the next class presentation is imagining the next scene.
In conclusion, as already mentioned this study originated to make TETE classes more efficient. Among the four main skills, the study focuses on speaking and the improvement of Middle school students' English speaking. This study suggests that when the Movie-based project instruction will be exemplified, the students' speaking competence must improve steadily.
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