在法语白话中存在着很多或以单词或以短语情势涌现的衔接词及衔接词组,它们平日被消除在传统语法以外,在法语外语教授教养和进修中也极易被疏忽。但是,在现实情形下的法语白话交换中,此类被广泛边沿化的衔接词对对话的流利性、逻辑性乃至对介入对话的对象的说话行动的研讨都起着相当主要的感化。本文将从法语外语教授教养的角度动身,经由过程访谈、灌音等手腕搜集相干实例素材,并对这些白话素材停止具体地整顿和剖析,旨在对法语白话中经常使用衔接词的功效和用法作出绝对迷信和体系的总结,以论证其在法语白话中存在的需要性及其对进步法语外语进修者的白话表达和交换才能所起的症结感化;同时,笔者还将联合行动说话学、逻辑学等相干实际和前文的剖析成果设计若干详细的教授教养运动,意在协助法语外语进修者更有用地控制此类衔接词的用法,从而更好地完成法语白话的表达和交换。笔者愿望经由过程小我剖析和教授教养建议使法语外语教授教养者和进修者从新审阅此类衔接词的功效和习得,进而为法语外语教授教养任务的赓续完美尽菲薄之力。 Abstract: There are a lot of words or phrases in French speaking, which are often eliminated in the traditional grammar. They are also very easy to be neglected in French foreign language teaching and learning. However, in the actual situation of the exchange of French spoken language, this kind of language is widely used in the language of the dialogue, the logic of the dialogue, and the object of the dialogue, the object of the action is very important. This paper will start from the French language teaching perspective, through interviews, recording and other means to collect relevant examples of material, and the material specific rectification and vernacular analysis, often to use cohesive efficacy and usage of words of French vernacular made absolute superstition and system summary, the crux to prove the existence of the expression effect French in vernacular and learning need to progress the French language and vernacular to the exchange; at the same time, the author will also speak, joint action logic coherence and above analysis of the results of actual design of several detailed teaching activities, to assist the French language learners more useful to control this kind of linking words the usage, in order to better accomplish the expression of French vernacular and exchange. The author wishes through personal analysis and teaching suggestions to French as a foreign language teaching and learning are from efficacy and acquisition of new review such conjunctions, and French as a foreign language teaching task is ceaseless and perfect as meager force. 目录: Remerciements 4-5 摘要 5 Résumé 6-9 Introduction 9-11 1. Méthodologie 11-14 1.1 Problématique et objectif de la recherche 11-12 1.2 Hypothèse et questions centrales 12 1.3 Collectéde données de la recherche 12-14 2. Marqueurs de structuration de la conversation (MSC): nature et fonctionnement à I'oral 14-46 2.1 MSC: considérations générales 14-17 2.1.1 Portrait des MSC dans le processus énonciatif 14-17 2.2 R(?)le des MSC dans l'interaction verbale 17-21 2.2.1 MSC et tours de parole 17-20 2.2.2 MSC et validations d'avancement interlocutoire 20 2.2.3 bilan des analyses 20-21 2.3 R(?)le des MSC dans le processus de production 21-24 2.3.1 MSC et contraintes diverses 21-23 2.3.2 Bilan des analyses 23-24 2.4 R(?)le des MSC dans le processus de réception 24-27 2.4.1 MSC et qualitéde réception 24-26 2.4.2 Bilan des analyses 26-27 2.5 R(?)le des MSC concernant la prosodie 27-34 2.5.1 Relations variées 27-32 2.5.2 Bilan des analyses 32-34 2.6 Quelques MSC récurrents: mots et locutions 34-43 2.6.1 Bon et ben 34-38 2.6.2 Hein et euh 38-39 2.6.3 Alors 39-41 2.6.4 Quoi 41-42 2.6.5 Expressions fréquentes: MSC du dire 42-43 2.6.6 D'autres cas 43 2.7 Bilan des analyses 43-46 3. MSC et didactiques du fran((?))ais langue étrangère (FLE) 46-63 3.1 MSC ma(?)trisés par les apprenants 46-50 3.1.1 MSC en langue source 46-47 3.1.2 MSC en langue cible 47-50 3.2 MSC: assistance communicative des apprenants 50-54 3.2.1 Facilitation de production 50-52 3.2.2 Facilitation de réception 52-53 3.2.3 Facilitation d'interaction 53-54 3.3 Enseignement/apprentissage des MSC 54-63 3.3.1 Méthodes et manuels concernés 54-57 3.3.2 Activités pédagogiques 57-63 Conclusion 63-64 Bibliographie 64-66 Annexes 66-89 |