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资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08
本文旨在研究汉语核心标志词“乃至”的句法语义特点。本文研究的实际重要基于Chomsky (1981,1995)的“管约实际”和“光杆实际”;Karttunen&Peters(1979)的“辖域实际”和Rooth (1985)的“辞汇实际”。本文重要处理以下三个成绩:1。在“乃至/动词短语”构造中,“乃至”是甚么句法位置?2。“乃至/动词短语”构造的信息构造若何表现?3。汉语中的“乃至”包括哪些语义特点?本文重要剖析在“乃至/动词短语”构造中“乃至”的句法位置,该构造不触及任何移位,核心包括在“乃至”所涵盖的辖域规模内。在本文中,“乃至/动词短语”中的“乃至”被以为占领核心短语中间语的地位,因为其核心特点不强,是以不会惹起任何成份移位。“乃至”所带的核心必需被其m一管辖。在评论辩论“乃至/都/动词短语”正当,但“连/都/动词短语”不正当的构造时,剖析“连”作为一个核心标志词,不克不及自力和“都”连用;“乃至”差别于“连”,法语论文,可以和“都”直接连用。本文以为,在“乃至/都/动词短语”的构造中,“都”是核心短语的中间语,“乃至”作为一个副词短语附接在以“都”为中间语的核心短语的指导语地位。“乃至/动词短语”构造中,核心须要重音来表现,从构造上没法断定出核心。本文提出此构造中的核心应属于信息核心。此核心做为句子中最凸起的部门,带有[/凸起]的特点。“乃至”所标志的核心平日会激发极性意义。“乃至”既可以涌现在确定句中,也能够涌现在否认句中。它所带核心的语用极性地位的高下与它所处的情况有关。在确定句中,“乃至”所带核心平日位于极性的最底端;否认句中,因为否认词有极性逆转的功效,不管“乃至”是涌现在主句中照样从句中,“乃至”所带的核心则由最底端转换到了最高端。经由过程比拟,本文以为“辖域实际”更合适用于说明“乃至”。“乃至”的句法构造为“乃至”和希腊语中表“乃至”的“Akomi ke”的跨说话研究供给了能够。“乃至”和“Akomi ke”都属于附加核心标志词,然则在很多语义方面却存在差别。经由过程比较剖析两种核心标志词的雷同和分歧的地方,法语论文范文,本文终究得出了汉语“乃至”的语义逻辑式。


This paper aims to study the syntactic and semantic features of the "even" of Chinese core markers. In this paper, the practical importance of the "tube about the actual" and "light rod actual" based on Chomsky (19811995); Karttunen&Peters (1979) "jurisdiction of the actual" and Rooth (1985) "vocabulary of the actual". In this paper, we deal with the following three achievements: 1. What is the syntactic position in the structure of the verb phrase "and even in the verb"? 2. How to construct the information structure of "even / verb phrase"? 3. What semantic features are the "and even" in Chinese? In this paper, we analyze the syntactic position of "even" in the "even / verb phrase" structure, which does not involve any movement. In this paper, "even / verb phrase" in the "and" is thought to occupy the core phrase in the middle of the status, because its core characteristics is not strong, is not to cause any component shift. The core of "and even" must be governed by its M. In comments debate "and / have / VP" legitimate, but "even / have / VP" unfair structure, analysis of "Lian" as a core tags, cannot independent and "all" used in conjunction; "and" difference in "Lian", and "all" directly used in conjunction. In the author's opinion, "and / are / VP" structure, "" is the intermediate phrase core language in, "and" as an adverb phrase attached connected in "into the intermediate language of the core phrase language guide position. In the structure of "even / verb phrase", the core needs stress to represent the core. This paper proposes that the core of this structure should belong to the information core. This is the most prominent core sentence in the Department, with the feature of [/] raised. "And even" the core of the symbol will be the core of the significance of the day. "And even" can emerge in the determination of the sentence, but also can be in the current. It is the core of the pragmatic polarity status of the situation and it is related to the situation. In determining sentence, "and" the core weekdays in the polarity of the bottom; negative sentences in, because to deny words very sex reversal effect, no matter "and" Chung was now clause still clause, "and" to take the core is the bottom end, and switched to the high-end. Through the comparison, this article thinks that "jurisdiction over the actual" is more appropriate to explain "and even". Even the syntactic structure of "and even" and the Greek in the table "and" the "Ke Akomi" of the cross talk research and supply can be. "And even" and "Ke Akomi" are additional core markers, but there are many differences in the semantic aspect. By comparing and analyzing the similarities and differences of the two key words, this paper finally obtains the semantic logic of Chinese "and even".

