
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


Move the verb refers to has [static] action] change the semantic features of a class of verbs, the generalized move verb is a verb that reach space position change, they in semantic and finish lattice point lattice semantic role is closely related to, in the grammar often Chung now "from the / terminal / verb", "Verb / to / starting point", "from the / terminal / Verb / to / starting point" and "from the / terminal / to / starting point / verb" pattern. Move verbs in syntax and semantics has obvious characteristics, their research can greatly rich ancient Chinese case grammar study and valency grammar research, can perhaps for case grammar, valence grammar Bangbian some serious practical problems dealing with supply unable to self innovation. We think, case grammar important concern is the deep semantic relations between the verb noun semantic role and certain types of, valence grammar important concern should be is whether these semantic relations can be highlighted in the syntactic forms, and to highlight what kind of method. Semantic and syntax is different places, there are many inconsistent places, both in the confrontation between the deep relationship with a sideways. Study of semantic isolation, perhaps on syntactic isolated, cannot make people complete satisfied results. Essential verbs to meticulous classification basically in the detailed description of the standoff between semantics and syntax relations with, and based on the detailed description of that phenomenon is the basic reason and all speak. In order to explain between semantic and syntactic relations, we choose the ancient Chinese mobile verb as the research object, on the basis of the semantic and syntactic characteristics of the verbs, verb meanings as the assessment unit, exhaustive examination of the the Chinese verb usage dictionary of all the real meanings of the words and verbs, ultimately affirmed the 666 move the meaning of the verb. Then we move in accordance with the touch of differences between subject and object and local lattice differences, the 666 words divided into 12 small classes, by review the debate these move verbs in the semantic and syntactic features, sums up the feature of different types of verb semantic structure and capable of syntactic representation forms. To pick up, we also had a profound discussion of the moved verb syntax said situation, tries to affirm some scale, to explain these syntactic said situation Bangbian which is coherent with the generalized move verb semantic role spread, the advantages which the length of spread. Syntactic advantage spread is less restricted, analogy and transform more freedom in the semantic role spread; non dominant spread is refers to the more restricted, analogy and transformation not too comfortable semantic role spread. In our study, we isolated pointed out all kinds of different types of mobile verb coherent semantic role non spreading advantage of constraints, and desire can to these have complex constraints as a bridge to communicate the semantic research and syntactic research, to establish the semantics and syntax of the research foundation of certain basic. In addition, this article also talked about some and the closely related to some of the other results, like the results of double object and the "X" turn refers to the results and so on.

