本文以适应论和翻译选择顺应论为实际,研究立法语篇翻译中译者主体性的施展与表现,法语论文网站,以进一步增强对这两种实际的懂得与应用。为此,本文提出了以下几个待研究的成绩可以从哪些方面研究立法语篇翻译中的译者主体性?译者详细做出了哪些决定?这些决定适应了哪些身分?分歧的译者翻译雷同的立法语篇时,其决定对译文有何作用?研究注解,可以从句法、语义和语用三个层面考核译者主体性在立法语篇翻译中的施展与表现。译者的客观能动性施展侧重要感化,表示在能否选择拉丁词、法语词、古体词、正式用语、术语等来翻译原文以适应特定的说话语境和若何表达原文的司法言语行动和司法界说。而在决议能否选择增减、调换、否认构造、重组润饰成份和若何懂得与翻译原文的主题与述题等以适应特定的说话语境、译者和读者的心思世界和社会世界时,译者的发明性特别凸起。然则,这类发明性遭到特定前提的限制,法语毕业论文,不克不及无穷施展。最初,译本比拟解释,假如译者充足熟悉到作用决定的相干适应身分的主要性,那末在立法语篇翻译进程中,译者的主体性就可以指点译者无意识地做出响应的决定,从而获得较好的翻译后果。本文试图将说话学实际、翻译实际与司法翻译理论相融会,并较体系地剖析了立法语篇翻译中译者的决定及决定进程中所适应的身分,提醒了译者主体性的施展与表现。本研究愿望对初学司法翻译者有所启示,愿望他们能经由过程体系地进修说话学、法律、翻译技能等常识和技巧来周全进步其综合本质,在司法翻译理论中要无意识地做出准确的决定去适应相干的身分,以加速其翻译速度,周全进步其翻译质量。 Abstract: In this paper, the adaptation theory and the choice of adaptation theory for practice, the study of the translator's subjectivity in the French translation of the display, in order to further enhance the understanding and application of these two kinds of practical. To this end, this paper puts forward the following several aspects to be studied from the aspects of the translation of the translator's subjectivity? What are the decisions made by the translator? What are the determinants of these decisions? How does the decision influence the translation of different translators when they are identical to the French? On the three aspects of syntax, semantics and pragmatics, it is shown that the translator's subjectivity in the translation of French texts can be studied from the perspective of syntax, semantics and pragmatics. The translator's subjective initiative display side played an important role in that in can choose Latin, French words, archaic words, formal words and terms to translate the original text to fit specific speech context and how to express the original judicial speech acts and judicial definition. In deciding whether to choose increase and decrease, exchange, denied structure, recombinant polishing composition and how understanding and translation of the original theme and the problems to adapt to the specific context of speech, the translator and the reader's mental world and social world, the translator of the invention is particularly prominent. What, then, this kind of invention was limited to a specific premise, not infinite display. At first, compared with the interpretation, if the translator is fully aware of the main factors that affect the decision, the translator's subjectivity can guide the translator to make a response to the decision in the process of legal translation. This article will talk to learn practical, translation theory and blending of judicial translation theory will and system analysis of the French translation, the translator decision and decision process to adapt to the identity, are a reminder of the translator's subjectivity and the performance of the display. This study wishes for beginners judicial translator has the enlightenment and hope they can through the system in the process of learning learning to speak, law, translation skills, knowledge and skills to progress in the round its comprehensive nature, in legal translation theory to unintentional knowledge to make accurate decisions to adapt to the coherent identity, to accelerate the speed of translation, and comprehensively improve the quality of the translation. 目录: Declaration 3-4 Acknowledgement 4-5 Abstract 5 摘要 6-7 List of Tables and Figures 7-8 Abbreviations 8-12 Chapter 1 Introduction 12-19 1.1 Introduction 12-13 1.2 Rationale of the Study 13-15 1.3 Research Questions 15-16 1.4 Methodology and Data 16-17 1.5 Outline of the Study 17-19 Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature 19-33 2.1 Introduction 19 2.2 Researches on Legal Translation 19-23 2.2.1 Researches on Legal Translation in Western Countries 19-22 2.2.2 Researches on Legal Translation in China 22-23 2.2.3 A Critique of Previous Studies on Legal Translation 23 2.3 Researches on Translators 23-31 2.3.1 Translators‘ Subjectivity 24-26 Definition of Subjectivity 24-25 Researches on Translators’ Subjectivity 25-26 2.3.2 Translators‘ Role 26-27 2.3.3 Translators’ Professional Status 27-29 2.3.4 Translators‘ Adaptation and Selection 29-31 2.4 Summary 31-33 Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework 33-47 3.1 Introduction 33 3.2 Theory of Linguistic Adaptation 33-38 3.2.1 Key Notions 33-35 3.2.2 Context 35-36 3.2.3 Utterer, Translator and Salience 36-38 3.2.4 Implication of the Theory on Translation 38 3.3 Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection 38-41 3.3.1 Adaptation, Selection, and the Translational Eco-environment 39-40 3.3.2 Adaptation and Selection in the Translation Process 40-41 3.4 A Critique of Verschueren’s Thoery and Hu‘s Approach 41-43 3.5 Theoretical Framework of the Study 43-47 Chapter 4 Translators’ Subjectivity in the Translation of Legislative Texts 47-81 4.1 Introduction 47 4.2 Adaptation and Selection at Syntactic Level 47-60 4.2.1 Deletion 47-49 4.2.2 Addition 49-52 4.2.3 Transposition 52-54 Nominalization 52-53 Passive Form for Active Form 53-54 4.2.4 Negative Structure 54-57 4.2.5 Reorganization of Inserted Qualifications 57-60 4.2.6 Summary 60 4.3 Adaptation and Selection at Semantic Level 60-70 4.3.1 Words of Latin and French Origin 61-63 4.3.2 Archaic Deictics 63-65 4.3.3 Formal Words 65-67 4.3.4 Technical Terms 67-68 4.3.5 Redundancy 68-69 4.3.6 Summary 69-70 4.4 Adaptation and Selection at Pragmatic Level 70-81 4.4.1 Legal Speech Acts 71-75 Commands and Requirements 71-73 Permissions and Authorizations 73-74 Prohibitions 74-75 4.4.2 Theme and Rheme 75-79 4.4.3 Legal Definitions 79-80 4.4.4 Summary 80-81 Chapter 5 Translators’ Subjectivity in the Translation of Two English Versions of the Insurance Law 81-102 5.1 Introduction 81-82 5.2 Adaptation and Selection at Syntactic Level 82-91 5.2.1 Deletion 82-84 5.2.2 Addition 84-87 5.2.3 Transposition 87-89 Pronoun for Noun Phrase 87-88 Noun for Verb 88 Gerund for Adjective 88 Passive Form for Active Form 88-89 5.2.4 Reorganization of Inserted Qualifications 89-91 5.3 Adaptation and Selection at Semantic Level 91-95 5.3.1 Archaic Deictics 91 5.3.2 Formal words 91-93 5.3.3 Technical Terms 93-94 5.3.4 Redundancy 94-95 5.4 Adaptation and Selection at Pragmatic Level 95-99 5.4.1 Commands and Requirements 95-96 5.4.2 Permissions and Authorizations 96-98 5.4.3 Prohibitions 98 5.4.4 Unconditional Commands, Permissions, Authorizations and Prohibitions 98-99 5.5 Summary 99-102 Chapter 6 Conclusion 102-109 6.1 Overview 102-104 6.2 Findings 104-106 6.3 Implications 106-108 6.4 Limitation and Suggestion 108-109 References 109-117 |