
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


When human society entered the new millennium, people did not have a sense of the new era of rapid development of information technology to meet a high speed. This unprecedented information the rapid innovation in all aspects of human social life, such as economic structure, way of life and thinking category set off a a reactionary. As the carrier of civilization to speak, especially diplomatic speak, also change the parturient force of the eve of the reactionary and society of the eve of the historical background of experience with its own evolution. The world changes to speak, just as the great French poet Hugo said, "the human mind is changing at the end of the world, and the same is true with the thought of it.". When the body produces a change, how can it not be changed to wear it?" The poet had a brilliant and abstract interpretation of the dialectical relationship between speech and thought more than a hundred years ago. French is so, so is his speaking. Thus a series of achievements have been made in French is how to change? In what ways does she have to change? What does it bring to us at the same time as it changes?...... In order to answer these questions, we have made a systematic analysis of the large amount of data from the perspective of vocabulary learning and social learning. Basically, we are reminded of the change of the speech and the relationship between the speech itself, the present situation and the future. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter focuses introduced French "new words" a body of two French itself gengxu fruitful methods and with each other on the vocabulary of innovation. In the second chapter, rich corpus basically on the 21st century French "new words" scene to stop a more comprehensive system analysis and summary of abbreviations, network and short message speak, loanwords (especially English vocabulary) in French words sink in the infiltration of information, speak, society slang and media to speak. Each department to the scene after the conclusion, from the outside to the inside, slowly visits per scene in front of the social identity and of economic and social life and its application are French speaking people) recognizes the shape of influence. Based on the above analysis of the French new words. In the third chapter we bile Nianye proposed will new change is perforative to French teaching to the proposal to complete from the scene to the actual, by practical way of using the Pentium. Conclusion once again confirmed that the French vocabulary is experiencing a provocation and change the There was no parallel in history. Social change requests to speak to be able to adapt, and the resulting changes in the speech brought about people thinking of the change and resentment of the community, so that the cycle of. Speak and act in the society, at the same time, the society should also be used to express the needs of the times when the times.

