为了晋升说话教导品德,树立说话才能目标作为制订课程、年夜纲及说话才能评量尺度已经是当今说话教导界一种世界性的趋向。说话教授教养与评价的措施跟着社会的成长而变更,这在多平易近族、多说话的欧洲表现得加倍显著。2001年,欧洲委员会出台了欧洲说话配合参考框架:进修、教授教养、评价(CECR),提出了同一的说话进修尺度和说话评价办法。就法语教授教养而言,今朝高级黉舍年夜学外语教授教养指点委员会法语组于2002年春季正式出台了年夜学法语教授教养年夜纲(第二版),作为指点法语教授教养和评价测验的根据。本文欧洲说话配合参考框架:进修、教授教养、评价与中国年夜学法语教授教养年夜纲停止比较,分为三个部门。第一部门,法语论文范文,从编写配景和意图、说话教授教养目的和办法、说话评价目标及进修目的等方面剖析二者各自的特色。第二部门,依据DIALANG自我评价体系编制问卷对受试先生停止查询拜访,得出受试的自我评价说话才能程度。第三部门,依据先生自我评价程度,法语毕业论文,选择2009年年夜学法语测验真题和DELF测验B1级法语模仿试题作为测试对象,肯定年夜学法语四级程度对应CECR的哪个品级。本文的受试是以法语作为第二外语的年夜先生73人,法语进修约350学时。本文同时采取定性与定量的研究办法。盘算机统计学与描写性统计法的应用测验考试包管了数据剖析的过细、精确。作为结论,DIALANG自我评价体系实用于预评我公法语进修者说话才能,有助于加强进修者自我进修才能。试验成果注解年夜学法语四级程度根本对应CECR的B1品级,完成了中公法语程度测验与欧盟外语评价程度的接轨。 Abstract: In order to enhance the teaching speaking character, you can set up the goal as the setting of curriculum, class and talk to Nianye rating scale is the talk education an international trend. Talk teaching and evaluation with the development of society and the change in the multi-ethnic and multi speaking Europe appears significantly more. In 2001, the European Commission issued a "European talk with reference frame: learning, teaching, assessment" (CECR), the same language learning and speaking scale evaluation methods. On the French teaching and the current senior school dormitory in University Foreign Language Teaching Guiding Committee of the French group in the spring of 2002 formally promulgated the "College French teaching of the eve of the gang" (Second Edition), as a basis for pointing French teaching and assessment. The "European talk with reference frame: comparison study, teaching and evaluation" and "Chinese professor of French university education thesis", is divided into three departments. First, from the writing background and purpose, teaching methods, and to speak speak evaluation target and learning objectives and other aspects of the two respective characteristics. The second sector, according to the DIALANG evaluation system of self questionnaire on Mr. investigation, the subjects can talk the degree of self evaluation. The third sector, according to Mr. self evaluation level, select 2009 college French exam Zhenti and Delf test grade B1 French imitation test as the test object, which grade of University French level corresponding to the CECR certainly. The subjects are second language in French as a 73 university student who are learning French for about 350 hours. At the same time, the qualitative and quantitative research methods. Computer statistics and descriptive statistics using the test data analysis, to ensure accurate. As a conclusion, DIALANG self evaluation system for pre assessment of our learners to speak French, help to strengthen the self learning ability of learners. Test results of the annotation in college French level 4 degree fundamental corresponding CECR B1 grade, completed the public French proficiency test and the foreign language to evaluate the extent of the standards. 目录: 摘要 5 Résumé 6-10 Introduction 10-15 Chapitre 1 L’analyse et l’étude comparative entre CECR et PEFU 15-37 1. La présentation du CECR 15-26 1.1 Le Contexte d’élaboration du CECR 15-17 1.2 Le synopsis du CECR 17-21 1.3 Les conceptions linguistiques du CECR 21-26 2. La présentation du PEFU 26-33 2.1 Le contexte d’élaboration du PEFU 26-27 2.2 Les deux éditions du PEFU 27-30 2.3 Le synopsis du PEFU 30-33 3. Le bilan de comparaison entre CECR et PEFU 33-37 Chapitre 2 La langue fran aise en Chine 37-45 1. L'enseignement du fran ais en Chine 37-40 2. Les examens du fran ais en Chine 40-44 3. L’influence du TFU 4 44-45 Chapitre 3 L’enquête sur la compétence langagière 45-55 1. Le système d’évaluation de DIALANG 45-46 2. La construction du questionnaire 46-48 3. La population et l’exécution de l’enquête 48-49 4. L’analyse des questionnaires 49-55 Chapitre 4 L’analyse des données 55-83 1. Les deux examens sur la compétence langagière 55-61 1.1 La composition du TFU-4 55-56 1.2 La composition du DELF 56-57 1.3 Les feuilles d’examen utilisées 57-58 1.4 Les critères d’évaluation de l’épreuve 58-61 2. La méthode d’analyse des données 61-63 3. Le bilan des données 63-81 3.1. La compréhension orale de TFU 4 et de DELF B1 63-66 3.2. La compréhension écrite de TFU 4 et de DELF B1 66-69 3.3. La production écrite de TFU 4 et de DELF B1 69-72 3.4. Les exercices à trous du TFU 4 72-74 3.5. La structure grammaticale et vocabulaire de TFU 74-76 3.6. La production orale de DELF B1 76-78 3.7. Note finale de TFU 4 et de DELF B1 78-81 4. La conversion éventuelle du niveau TFU 4 par rapport au CECR 81-83 Conclusion 83-86 Bibliographie、Sitographie 86-92 Annexe 1 Questionnaire d’auto-évaluation 92-95 Annexe 2 Feuille d’examen de TFU 95-105 Annexe 3 Feuille d’examen de DELF B1 105-115 Annexe 4 Bulletin d’examen de TFU 115-118 Annexe 5 Bulletin d’examen de DELF B1 118-123 Remerciements 123-124 个人简历 124-125 发表的学术论文 125-126 |