
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


This thesis important to discuss their first language (Chinese) and a second language (English) how to affect also the acquisition of a second language (French object pronouns status, and this effect is reached. The first to speak for the Chinese language, the degree of differences in English, the students will learn English in the application of their Chinese, English common sense? Is there any other variables other than English in the study of the French pronoun status? Through the process of the native Chinese, the second speak French and English of foreign trade and economic cooperation of the eve of the learning in English study, French second year and third year undergraduate examinations, the author wishes can find the answers to the following results. This paper has four assumptions: 1) French object pronouns of the status of native Chinese as a second language student's English speaking is difficult to learn, 2) native for Chinese students, their English and French object pronouns status acquisition irrelevant, 3) second language acquisition and learning French object pronouns status of time coherence, 4) sentence in grammar difficulty of Mr. find correct problem representation mainly. The author also wishes that the thesis could be supported by the native language, the two language for the English and French students. The author designed a written test to test native Chinese second language, English and French, acquisition of French object pronouns status. The test is divided into two departments, the wrong error correction and translation. The wrong correction is more objective, active, that is to say the people cannot display many. But the translation of this department, they can be very automatic, can be very inventive. For example, they can avoid the application itself is not familiar with the sentence structure, familiar with their simple applications. Among the nineteen French sentences used to test, there are 15 sentences that involve the status of the pronoun. If there is something wrong, they have to correct them. These sentences can be divided into order, statement, question. Each sentence is also different in the difficulty of grammar. Other sentences, there are other problems used to increase the variety of problems, in order to avoid a sense of mr.. In order not to have a negative impact on the number of words, the author has some French words. Mr. would also like to put the five lengthy first speech (Chinese) sentences as much as possible to translate into second words (French). These sentences can be divided into Chen decree sentence, sentence and interrogative sentence. A total of 17 English Seminar (French as a second foreign language), 15 French second year undergraduate (English as a second language), 12 bit French third year undergraduate (English as a second language) joined the the examination. At first, the experimental results are consistent with the assumptions of this paper. 1) the status of the object in the French language is very difficult for the students whose mother tongue is the two language of the Chinese language. 2) the mother tongue is Chinese, and their English level is not related to the acquisition of French pronoun status. Second) the acquisition of the status of the object pronoun in French and the study of the time coherence between the 3. The results of this study did not confirm the fourth hypotheses. 4) the grammar of the difficulty of the search for the teacher to correct the main. The conclusion of this paper is that the sentence is difficult to be easily influenced by the random influence of mr.. In addition, this article also invented a funny scene. Especially compared to French undergraduate second grade and third grade teacher at the moment, in translation, third grade, prefer to determine invoke object pronouns front (however French in, determine invoke object pronouns in front of the verb), however the third grade French Mr. in the wrong correction said better. This can be related to the excessive exercise of their French pronoun.

