
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08
汉英同声传译中存在着可容忍和弗成容忍的毛病,弗成容忍的毛病曲解或毛病懂得原语的信息内容,法语论文范文,而可容忍的语误固然语法情势上失足,但根本上不作用原语信息的准确懂得。依据本文作者的初步不雅察,可容忍的语误其实不会作用听众的准确懂得,可以被听众接收。本文运用的实际框架是Moser一Mercer的质量评价形式。运用质量评价形式中的丈量手腕对笔译试验者的笔译停止评价,另外,运用Gile的留意力分派实际说明笔译员涌现语误的缘由。为此,本文剖析职业同声传舌人、未经由练习的英语系非笔译偏向研究生、一年级的笔译偏向研究生和二年级的笔译偏向研究生的汉英同声传译中的可容忍的语误。本文彩用统计软件SPSS 13。0统计剖析各类被试人员的语误类型之间能否存在显著差别。依据汉英同声传译试验的比较研究成果,我们获得以下发明:第一:一切被试人员的语误包含十六种:主谓纷歧致、词性语误、时态语误、曩昔分词语误、连词语误、动词不定式语误、疑问句倒装语误、主语省略、不定冠词语误、语态语误、一句话中持续涌现两个动词无衔接词、名词代词单单数语误、比拟级和第一流语误、动词短语语误、中文式话题句语误和反复语误。第二:依据外交战略道理,本文发明未经由同声传译练习和一年级研究生在同传时内容信息漏掉较多,不克不及将年夜部门原语信息实时表达,期待时光较长,是以,从外交战略角度看,他们的同传是掉败的。而二年级的研究生根本可以或许跟上原语的速度并实时笔译,内容绝对完全,却由于时光紧急和精神分派等身分涌现较多语误。而职业同声传舌人固然也涌现语误,但语误的类型和数目都绝对较少。第三:统计成果发明职业同声传舌人与一切英语研究生的笔译语误存在显著差别;未经由练习的英语系研究生和一年级笔译偏向研究生的语误不存在显著差别;未经由练习的英语系研究生和二年级笔译偏向研究生的语误存在显著差别;一年级和二年级的笔译偏向研究生的语误存在显著差别。第四:在以下四种情形下,舌人的可容忍的语误是可以被听众接收的:即词语的弯曲情势毛病,不作用高低辞意思的语误,法语论文范文,不作用逻辑推理的语误,口误。语误发生的缘由包括精神分派不公道,记忆力完善,受原语的作用和口误。外交战略道理可以说明此类语误可容忍的缘由。是以,本文最初得出启发:第一,在笔译质量评价中,应该允许笔译中涌现的语法毛病,如许可以确保舌人把重要精神分派到主要的信息内容上,对于笔译特别是同声传译中,抓紧这个尺度对于笔译任务的年夜局是有赞助的。第二,对于笔译培训阶段的启发是教员应当勉励先生年夜胆启齿,跟上原语语速,许可涌现语法毛病,比及练习到必定阶段,再剖析先生的可容忍和弗成容忍的语法毛病,对于弗成容忍的语法毛病,必定要改正。


Chinese English simultaneous translation there is a tolerance and Eph into tolerate problem, Eph into tolerate problem misinterpretation problems or to understand the information content of primitives, and can tolerate errors while grammatical forms to slip, but basically does not affect the original information accurate know. According to the author's preliminary observations, the tolerable errors actually does not affect the audience accurately understand that can be received by the audience. The practical framework of this paper is the quality evaluation form of Moser Mercer. Application quality evaluation in the form of measuring wrist on the translation test translation evaluation, in addition, Gile application note power dispatch actual description of why translators of errors have emerged. In the end, this article analyze professional simultaneous tongue, not through practice of non professional English translation bias graduate, translating a grade bias bias of graduate students Chinese English simultaneous interpretation of tolerable errors of translation of graduate students in the second grade. This paper uses statistical software SPSS 13. 0 statistical analysis for various subjects whether there is significant difference between the types of errors of personnel. According to the Chinese English simultaneous translation test comparison of the research results, we obtain the following method: First: all participants were staff errors included Sixteen: subject predicate abhorrent, part of speech errors, tense errors, in the past participle errors, errors in conjunction, verbs infinitive errors, interrogative sentence down loaded errors, Subject Ellipsis, indefinite article errors, voice errors, a word continued to emerge of the two verbs without linking words, nouns and pronouns alone a few errors, compared level and the first stream errors, verb phrase errors, Chinese topic sentence errors and repeated errors. The second: according to the principle of diplomatic strategy, the invention not through simultaneous translation practice and study for Grade One students in Si content information to omit many, cannot Nianye sector primitives real-time information expression, look forward to a long period of time is to, from the perspective of diplomatic strategy and their Si is fail. And second year graduate basically may follow primitives speed and real-time translation, content absolutely and entirely, but due to time urgency and spirit assigned copious points emerge more errors. The occupation of simultaneous tongue person is also the emergence of errors, but the type and number of errors are less. Third: statistical inventions professional simultaneous tongue and all English graduate translation errors and there was a significant difference; not through the practice of English major graduate students and first-year translation bias errors of the graduate students there was no significant difference in; not through the practice of English major graduate students and second year translation bias errors of graduate students and there was a significant difference; translation of the first grade and the second grade bias errors of the graduate students there is a significant difference. Fourth: in the following four kinds of circumstances, the tongue of the tolerable errors is received by the audience: words that the bending situation wrong, does not affect the level of words mean errors, does not affect the logical reasoning errors, slips of the tongue. The reason errors include mental distribution is not reasonable, perfect memory, the influence of the source language and tongue. The truth may explain why such diplomatic strategy can tolerate errors. Is to, this article initially draws inspiration: first, in the translation quality evaluation should allow emerging in the translation of grammatical mistakes, such as the promise to ensure that tongue is the important spiritual assigned to the main contents of information, a translation especially simultaneous translation, pay close attention to the scale on the translation task Nianye Bureau is sponsored. Second, inspired a translator training stage is teachers should encourage Mr. bile Nianye reluctant, to keep up with the delivery of the original speech, permit the emergence of grammar mistakes, ratio and practice to a certain stage, and analysis of the students can tolerate and Eph into tolerance of grammar mistakes, about Eph into hair disease tolerance of grammar must correct.

