摘要 3-5 Abstract 5-6 Chapter 1 Introduction 11-17 1.1 Research background 11-13 1.2 Theoretical framework 13-15 1.3 Research methodology and data collection 15 1.4 Significance 15-16 1.5 Structural organization of this thesis 16-17 Chapter 2 Literature Review 17-27 2.1 Introduction 17 2.2 Previous studies of errors in interpretation 17-19 2.2.1 Semantic errors in interpretation 17-18 2.2.2 Pragmatics errors in interpretation 18-19 2.2.3 Grammatical errors in interpretation 19 2.3 Review of SI quality assessment models 19-27 2.3.1 Theoretical research 20-24 2.3.2 Empirical research 24-27 Chapter 3 Research Design and Research Findings 27-52 3.1 Background of subjects 27-29 3.2 Research methodology 29-30 3.2.1 Fieldwork 29 3.2.2 Survey 29-30 3.2.3 Experiment 30 3.3 Finding:errors at grammatical level 30-52 3.3.1 Professional interpreters' errors 31-34 3.3.2 Untrained postgraduates' errors 34-36 3.3.3 First-year postgraduates' errors 36-41 3.3.4 Second-year postgraduates' errors 41-52 Chapter 4 Research Analysis and Discussion 52-66 4.1 Research analysis 52-58 4.1.1 Analysis of professionals and postgraduates' errors 52-53 4.1.2 Analysis of three groups of postgraduates' errors 53-55 4.1.3 Analysis of every two groups of postgraduates' errors 55-58 4.2 Causes related to the errors 58-60 4.2.1 Insufficient effort allocation 58 4.2.2 Inadequate memorizing capacity 58-59 4.2.3 The influence of the source language 59-60 4.2.4 Tongue slips 60 4.3 Types of tolerable errors 60-62 4.3.1 The errors of the inflections 60-61 4.3.2 The errors recognizable in the context 61 4.3.3 The errors recognizable by logic 61-62 4.3.4 The errors due to tongue slips 62 4.4 Reasons for tolerance 62-63 4.5 A word on SI quality assessment 63-66 4.5.1 Previous strict criteria of SI quality assessment 64 4.5.2 Suggestions for loosening grammatical requirement in SI quality assessment 64-66 Chapter 5 Conclusion 66-69 5.1 Overview 66-67 5.2 Limitation and suggestions 67-69 Bibliography 69-71 Appendix 1 A Questionnaire on Difficulties in Simultaneous Interpretation 71-73 Appendix 2 Original Speech One 73-74 Appendix 3 Original Speech Two 74-75 Appendix 4 Original Speech Three 75-77 Appendix 5 SI Transcription of an untrained postgraduate 77-79 Appendix 6 SI Transcription of a first-year postgraduate 79-81 Appendix 7 SI Transcription of a second-year postgraduate 81-86 Appendix 8 SI Transcription of a professional interpreter 86-87 Appendix 9 Interview of a first-year postgraduate 87-88 Acknowledgements 88 |