
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


French Muslim immigrant history can be traced back to the beginning of the nineteenth Century, but large-scale Muslim immigrant influx began after World War ii. This time, a large number of from North African Muslim immigrants entered France, instead of the southern European immigrants to become France's largest immigrant group. In twentieth Century, 70 years after the outbreak of the oil crisis, the French economy has been hit, the growth stopped, France's Muslim immigrants gradually highlight performance actually improved, and through a series of conflict issues reflected, it inspires our meditation: France once take pride in the "Republic" can also conform to the current French the development of society? Hidden in the French Muslim front plain near the origin of the shift performance is what matters? This model through the process of "scarf matters" and "Paris unrest matters" to "conflict that the French Republic form" has not adapt to the growth period, analysis of religious identity on French Muslim immigrants and the mainstream influence social relations from a religious angle, and stop the analysis from the actual identity, religious identity is put forward main influence of France's Muslim immigrant identity scores, real When is the identity of the decision variables in the. In the above analysis basically, this article from the level, the level of national, regional and international levels to start, trying to pursue a form to construct the win-win of indecent concept, to improve indigenous French and Muslims shift plain near the relationship.


中文摘要   4-5   英文摘要   5   目录   6-8   绪论   8-13       一、本论文探讨的目的和意义   8       二、国内外的探讨近况   8-11       三、探讨措施   11-12       四、术语说明与概念界定   12-13   1 法国穆斯林移民问题的缘起与表现   13-26       1.1 法国穆斯林移民的历史与近况   13-18           1.1.1 法国穆斯林移民的历史   13-17           1.1.2 法国穆斯林目前的人口概况   17-18       1.2 法国"共和同化准则"已不适应时代发展的需要   18-26           1.2.1 法国"共和同化准则"产生的背景   18-19           1.2.2 20世纪70年代以前法国"共和同化准则"成功的原因   19-21           1.2.3 20世纪70年代以后法国穆斯林移民问题的出现宣告"共和同化准则"的失败   21-26   2 法国穆斯林移民问题的宗教因素略论   26-35       2.1 作用法国穆斯林移民问题的宗教因素   26-30           2.1.1 宗教特性的异同加大了穆斯林与主流社会融合的难度   26-28           2.1.2 法国主流社会对伊斯兰的误读造成了法国本土民众与穆斯林的隔阂   28-30       2.2 宗教因素并非是作用法国穆斯林移民问题的决定因素   30-33           2.2.1 宗教恪守   31-32           2.2.2 语言认同   32           2.2.3 对母国感情   32-33       2.3 伊斯兰教只是一种加强穆斯林移民凝聚力的动力   33-35   3 法国穆斯林移民问题的根源   35-47       3.1 法国穆斯林移民:冲突是对现实平等诉求的表达   35-41           3.1.1 就业领域的不平等   35-39           3.1.2 落后的生活环境   39-41       3.2 法国主流社会:冲突根源于现实的四大压力   41-47           3.2.1 穆斯林移民带来的就业压力   41-42           3.2.2 穆斯林移民带来的人口压力   42-44           3.2.3 穆斯林移民带来的福利压力   44-45           3.2.4 穆斯林带来的安全压力   45-47   4 法国穆斯林移民与主流社会关系的整合   47-58       4.1 个人层面:穆斯林移民身份认知的调适   47-49           4.1.1 对于"身份认知"的一般性认识   47-48           4.1.2 穆斯林自身身份认知的调适   48-49       4.2 国家层面:构建与时俱进的"共和"移民政策   49-54           4.2.1 移民控制政策   50-51           4.2.2 移民融合政策   51-54       4.3 地区层面:加强欧洲在移民问题上的区域合作   54-56       4.4 国际层面:建立法国与移民输出国之间的友好合作关系   56-58   结语   58-59   参考文献   59-64   致谢   64  
