背宪审查是指由特定机关依据宪法或通例,对特定司法或特定国度机关或官员的行动能否违背宪法的审查。背宪审查在国外可谓一个陈旧的话题,自1803年有名的马伯里诉麦迪逊一案首创了背宪审查先河以来,曾经阅历了两个多世纪的时光。世界各年夜洲多半国度和地域都或早或晚地树立了背宪审查轨制。可以说,背宪审查是世界列国宪政理论的经历总结。世界列国背宪审查形式年夜体上可以分为两年夜类一类是以美国为代表由通俗法院担任的背宪审查;另外一类是法国为代表的专门机关担任的背宪审查。本文侧重对世界典范背宪审查形式停止比拟剖析,愿望在总结和自创本国先辈形式的无益经历基本上容身本国国情,构建有中国特点的背宪审查轨制。背宪审查这一课题是任何一个要树立法治、宪政、平易近主社会的国度弗成躲避的成绩。遗憾的是,迄今为止我国不只没有设置详细担任受理与审查背宪案件的专门机构,法语论文范文,也没有制订详细的背宪审查的特殊法式。依法治国、树立社会主义法治国度已被载入宪法。依法治国的焦点是依宪治国,依法做事起首应该依宪做事。为了转变宪法的最高效率无从落实的现状,法语论文网站,必需树立和完美响应的背宪审查轨制,树立专门的背宪审查机关对建立宪法威望,保证国民权力,保护社会稳固有特别的意义。 Abstract: The back is defined by the specific constitutional review authority according to the constitution or to specific judicial practice, or specific state organs or officials can act in violation of the constitution review. Back in the foreign constitutional review is an old topic, since 1803 the famous case of Marbury v. Madison pioneered back constitutional examination beginning, has experienced more than two centuries. Most countries and regions in the world have established the system of the back of the Constitution in the early or late. It can be said that the back of the constitutional review is a summary of the world's constitutional theory. The world's nations back to the constitution of the body can be divided into two years, the United States is the representative of the United States as the back of the constitutional review; the other is the representative of France as a representative of the back. This article focuses on the model of the world back form the constitutional review of comparative analysis, sum up and learn from their predecessors in the desire to form good experience basically for the national conditions, constructing the constitutional review system has China back features. The subject of the study is to establish the rule of law, the constitutional government, and the country's main social. Unfortunately, so far our country has not only failed to set up a special agency to accept and review the case of the back of the constitution, nor does it make a detailed review of the special procedures. Governing the country by law and building a socialist country under the rule of law have been included in the constitution. The focus of the rule of law is to govern the country according to the constitution. In order to change the constitution of the highest efficiency of the status quo, we must establish and perfect the response of the system to the back of the constitution, establish a special review of the constitution of the back of the constitutional authority, to ensure the national power, the protection of social stability has a special significance. 目录: 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4-5 第一章 法治标尺——违宪审查一般理论 8-14 第一节 制度缘起 8-11 一、概念辨析 8-9 二、确立标志 9-11 第二节 价值评议 11-14 一、深刻内涵 11-12 二、历史意蕴 12-14 第二章 比较略论——美国与法国违宪审查之异同 14-35 第一节 生成过程比较 14-21 一、首开先河的美国制度形成 14-17 二、另辟蹊径的法国制度形成 17-21 第二节 理论依据比较 21-27 一、美国违宪审查理论基础 21-24 二、法国违宪审查理论依据 24-27 第三节 构成要素比较 27-35 一、美国违宪审查构成要素 27-31 二、法国违宪审查构成要素 31-35 第三章 可资借鉴——中国违宪审查模式探析 35-52 第一节 借鉴意义——美、法制度对中国的启迪 35-41 一、美利坚之经验 35-38 二、法兰西之启示 38-41 第二节 深入略论——中国建立违宪审查的问题 41-46 一、必要性的应然视角略论 42-43 二、障碍性的实然视角略论 43-46 第三节 突破障碍——中国违宪审查构建可行性 46-48 一、突破宪法意识障碍 47 二、突破司法适用障碍 47 三、突破审查主体障碍 47-48 第四节 扬长避短——中国违宪审查的选择创新 48-52 一、中国制度建构 48-50 二、优长概括评价 50-52 结语 52-53 参考文献 53-55 致谢 55-56 附录一 攻读学位期间发表的论文 56 |