
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08
进入到二十一世纪,跟着收集的成长,国际外文明交换日趋增强。愈来愈多的本国影视著作进入到中国,不雅众数目也逐步增多。自2003年中法文明年在巴黎启动后,每一年在国际的一些年夜城市都邑举行法国片子周的运动,片子在文明交换中的主要位置不问可知。然则国际影视著作的翻译质量却良莠不齐。是以,影视翻译的主要性值得沉思。本文重要评论辩论的是深受国际不雅众爱好的法国悲剧片子的翻译成绩。作为一个新兴的应用翻译范畴,我国的影视翻译仍处于起步阶段,缺少深挚的实际基本用以指点理论。若何经由过程翻译实际的指点,对字幕停止翻译,法语论文网站,转达出影片要表示的内容和滑稽后果,使不雅众更好的观赏到法国悲剧片子,本文将以德国的功效派翻译实际一目标论为基本,从目标论视角浅析法国悲剧片子的翻译成绩。20世纪70年月,德国的汉斯弗米尔创建了功效派的奠定实际目标论一Skopos theory。Skopos是希腊语,意为“目标”。目标论是将Skopos概念运用于翻译的实际,其焦点概念是:决议翻译的进程的最重要身分是全体翻译行动的目标。任何情势的翻译行动,包含翻译自己,望文生义,都可以看作是一种行动。任何行动都有一个目的或许一个目标。翻译目标论重视的不是译文与原文能否对等或是能否完善,而是强调译文应在剖析原文、原文作者、目的读者等基本上,以译文预期功效为目标,选择最好处置办法,即针对特定翻译目标选择特定的翻译办法或战略。另外,法语毕业论文,目标论的奠定人赖斯依据文本类型的特色将文天职为:信息型文本、脸色型文本、操作型文本和视听类文本,并提出“分歧类型的文本采取分歧的翻译办法”。而另外一代表人物诺德则论述了翻译中的文天职析所须斟酌的表里身分,和若何在原文功效的基本上制订相符翻译目标的翻译战略,并将翻译分为对象型翻译和文献型翻译,。翻译目标论冲破了本来等值翻译论的框架,把眼光投射到了译作的动员者、翻译者和接收者身上,付与了翻译更多新的涵义,对翻译有很年夜的适用意义和指点意义。特别是对于应用翻译,目标论的主要感化更是不问可知的,它不只在微观战略上为应用翻译指明偏向,还可为译者顺遂实行分歧文本的翻译战略供给可行性门路。全文共分三部门。第一部门,引见本文的实际基本,即德国功效派实际一翻译目标论,同时引见影视翻译及字幕翻译,以引出影视翻译中存在的三种分歧目标。第二部门,将这一实际应用到法国悲剧片子的翻译中,经由过程详细实例剖析若何依据字幕说话和片子的特色停止翻译。第三部门,商量片子翻译中的其他成绩,片子片名、专著名词和双关语的翻译等。在依据目标论对法国悲剧片子翻译停止研究的基本上,撰写此文,是愿望惹起各界对影视翻译的看重。我国对影视翻译的研究还存在许多空白,希冀此文能带来必定的启发。


To enter the twenty-first Century, with the growth of the collection, the international and foreign exchange of civilization has become increasingly enhanced. More and more domestic film and television works have entered into China, and the number of people is gradually increasing. Since 2003 Sino French culture year in Paris after the start and each year in international in some large cities, cities held by French film week movement, the film in the cultural exchange in mainly position ask known. The quality of the translation but international film and television works are uneven in quality. Is to, the film and television translation of the main character is worth pondering. In this paper, the important comment of the debate is the translation of the French tragedy film which is popular with international audiences. As a new means of translation category, audiovisual translation in China is still in the initial stage, the lack of sincere practice to theoretical guidance. How to through the process of translation and practical guidance, the subtitle translation to convey film to represent the content and funny consequences, make the audience better ornamental to French tragedy film, the German effects to send practical translation goal theory as the basic, from the target on superficial perspective analysis of French tragedy film translation problems. In twentieth Century 70 years, lay the actual target of Germany's Hans Vermeer created a Skopos theory on the function of school. Skopos is Greek, meaning "target". Goal theory is the Skopos concept is applied to the actual translation, the focus concept is: resolution of the translation process of the most important factors is the goal of all translation action. Any form of translational action, including translation, literal, can be regarded as a kind of action. Any action has a purpose or a goal. Target translation of attention is not the original text and the target text can peer or is perfect or not, but stressed that translation should be in the analysis of the original, the original author, the target readers and basically, the target expected effectiveness as the goal, choose the best solution, namely according to the specific translation target choose specific translation methods or strategies. . also on the objectives of the lay people rice according to the text type of characteristics for the duty: information of text type, face type text, operation type text and audio-visual text, and puts forward "different types of text take different translation methods". And also a representative Nord discusses the translation of Wentian job analysis must consider the inside and outside factors and how in the efficacy of the original basic formulation consistent goal of translation translation strategy and translation is divided into object translation and literature translation. Translation theory breaks the originally equivalent translation theory framework, and to cast your eye to the mobilization of translation, the translator and the receiver, the translation more new meaning. On translation have very big practical significance and guidance. Especially on the use of translation, the target on the important role is self-evident, it not only in the micro strategy for application indicates the bias, but also for the translator to smoothly implement different text translation strategy supply feasibility opportunities. Full text is divided into three departments. First, this article gives an introduction of the basic theory of, namely the effect of Germany sent the actual translation on and introduction of film translation and subtitle translation, which leads to the film translation in the presence of three different target. The second part, the practical application to the translation of the French tragedy film, through detailed process instance analysis how according to captions for speech and film characteristics of translation. The third department, to discuss other achievements in the translation of film, film titles, monograph nouns and pun translation etc.. In according to the target of French tragedy film translation study on the basis of writing this article is desire cause from all walks of life to film translation value. There are still a lot of gaps in the research on the translation of film and television in China, hoping that this article will bring some inspiration.

