
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


Nowadays, globalization is influencing each of the ego, the exchange between countries becomes more frequent, this kind of exchange is actually not limited at the level of communication, the exchange of literature has become increasingly extended. The relationship between Chinese with brutal long history literature and French literature in the eve of the division is also more and more close together. In exchange for this kind of literary world, a result is now in the eyes of people: how can the ability to spread the foreign literature in the case of not losing its characteristics, and to allow its citizens to receive him? The sights in the 20th century Chinese literature, the twentieth century about China is the turmoil unyielding where a century, on a voluntary doors open faces the inside of the world at the moment, China's political, cultural communities have been not a small impact. In this era, Chinese intellectuals have invented the new Chinese literature, which aims at the reception of the literary ideas of the eastern ancestors to better grow their own literature. But the growth of the new literature actually not easy, popular difficult to receive the emerging literature on this class and their traditional culture of harmony and the people to consciously simulation almost let Chinese literature lost its own characteristics and the ocean does not become. The French means poetry spread in China and the growth process as an example, the analysis on the means poetry of receiving and output analysis of the process of the national literature faction in China, trying to find foreign literature faction to receive and spread widely discipline, in order to facilitate the exchange between more literature faction and grow with different period of three Chinese poets.


法文摘要   9-10   摘要   10   INTRODUCTION   12-20   CHAPITRE 1 LE RENOUVEAU DE LA LITTéRATURE CHINOISE   20-30       1.1 Le Chinois traditionnel   20-22       1.2 Construire une nouvelle littérature chinoise   22-26       1.3 La situation des poésies chinoises de cette époque   26-30   CHAPITRE 2 LA POéSIE SYMBOLISTE FRAN AISE, UN MODèLE POUR LA POéSIE CHINOISE   30-40       2.1 Qu’est-ce que le symbolisme ?   30-33       2.2 Les théories de la poésie symboliste fran aise   33-40   CHAPITRE 3 LA DIFFUSION DE LA POéSIE SYMBOLISTE EN CHINE   40-73       3.1 Les poésies de Li Jinfa   41-48       3.2 Les poésies de Dai Wangshu   48-64       3.3 Les poésies de Gu Cheng   64-73   CONCLUSION   73-75   NOTES   75-80   BIBLIOGRAPHIE   80-84  
