
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


French Revolution in the history of the world has a major impact on the history, France is also one of the first countries in the east of the first constitutional government. The French Revolution ten years experience of the constitutional monarchy, Republic and monarchy, France's constitutional process also appears special arouses attention. How to explain this kind of short time in the system transformation and the change of the constitutional thought of this kind of system is also very important. France "Oriental world constitutionalism experiment field", so experience and the experience of the French revolutionary constitutionalism on the east of constitutional development history has important position, so make your choice of the eve of the French Revolution 1789 to 1799 constitutional development as the starting point of the research. To explain the theory of the Constitution and the constitution of the French Revolution era, we must begin from two aspects. First, it must be in the context of the time, to clarify the process of the development of French Constitutional Thought. To accomplish this goal must first understand the French Revolution background of Ideological and political, especially as a reactionary guide of political thoughts, ideas and change; followed by necessary to consider, in the meantime, the political struggle of the theory, focusing on the description of insurgents constitutional thoughts in the meantime period, in the context of how the ideological and political theory. As long as the use of the ideological level and the reality of the political theory of inorganic combination, we have the ability to change the course of the revolution in the process of the French constitutional process to be familiar with the multiple changes. As long as we have the ability to the French Revolution era of the constitutional theory and constitutional theory to discuss the inevitable, in order to explain the history of the French Revolution in the history of the times to provide a different perspective. The French Revolution of constitutionalism, we must first understand the reactionary process, read the constitution of insurgents indecent ceaselessly change, which requires us on the eve of the reactionary four constitution of the guiding ideology to carry on the elaboration. In general, the Constitution (constitution), the delineation of the origin of public rights, objectives, functions and limitations of the premise of Cheng Wenhe's unwritten principles and rules of aggregation. Constitution is designated national basic organizational justice, is the basic organization law of peoples and countries, in order to establish the characteristics of the authorities and read indecent, the authorities of the external operation designated must yield the basic principles, organization of the authorities and conditioning, distribution and limit the divergent part of the performance, and the delineation of the exercise of sovereignty over the scale and method. Model of written constitution to include three groups, first group of designated national fundamental rights and authorities concerned rights restrictions, to ensure that people can safely enjoy the power; delineation of the authorities in the second group of organizational programme, authorities listed in the right to formulate administration rules and certainly voters near qualifications. The three groups were delineated is of a constitutional amendment procedures. From a legal point of view, the state constitution is supreme law of a country, is the fundamental standard of origin; from the political function and the indecent point of view, constitution is a political declaration and a organization chart or "right spread table". Revolution reactionary guidance or advice constitution thoughts did comply with the delineation of these fundamental. However because of the complexity of the French Revolution and changeable, in this kind of resonance, revolution of the Constitution in delineating the detailed and theoretical however each are not identical, so this paper also as far as possible

