法国发蒙思惟对新文明活动的作用无可置疑,法语论文,然则我们须要研究的是这类作用的水平,发蒙思惟在新文明活动中发生严重作用的缘由和它在中国汗青舞台的终究淡出。经由过程研究我们发明,从活动的主题“平易近主”“迷信”,到立“人”为目标而停止的伦理反动、文学反动、公民性改革活动,从活动的引导人到宽大青年常识份子身上都能追随到法国发蒙思惟的影子。究其缘由,笔者以为一是活动前资产阶层维新派、反动派对法国发蒙思惟的存眷和流传;二是新文明活动引导人分歧水平地遭到法国发蒙思惟的作用;三是十九世纪末二十世纪初的中国处于渺茫彷徨中,须要“平易近主”“迷信”作为唤起平易近众觉醒,否决独裁和愚蠢的思惟兵器。然则,法国发蒙思惟在五四时代曾经是一种过时的思惟兵器,它弗成能赞助中国解脱各类危机,法语论文范文,特殊是平易近族危机,所以不克不及知足中国的实际须要。新文明活动的引导人开端寻觅新的思惟兵器,法国发蒙思惟逐步淡出中国的汗青舞台。 Abstract: The French Enlightenment Thoughts of the new culture movement influence is undeniably, however, we need to research is the level of this kind of influence and enlightenment thoughts in the new culture movement has a serious effect on reason and the stage in the history of China eventually fade. Through research we found, from the theme of the activities of "democracy" "superstition", to "people" as the goal and stop ethics reactionary, reactionary literature, citizens of reform activities, from leading people to big youth intellectual follow a shadow to the French Enlightenment thought. Investigate its reason, I think that one is the activities of the bourgeois reformers pie, the attention of the reactionaries of the French Enlightenment Thoughts and spread; the second is a new civilization activity leads to a different level by the French Enlightenment thought influence; the third is at the end of the 19th century in China in the early 20th century in slim hesitation, need "democracy." "superstition" as evoking plain public awakening, rejected the dictatorship and foolish thought weapon. However, the French Enlightenment thought in the May Fourth Era was an outdated ideological weapon, it is impossible that sponsored by the China Relief all kinds of crisis, especially the plain near family crisis, so cannot satisfy the actual needs. The new civilization activities to guide people start looking for new ideas and weapons, the French Enlightenment thought gradually fade out the stage of history China. 目录: 绪论 7-11 第一章 法国启蒙思想对新文化运动的作用 11-31 1.1 新文化运动的主题: 民主和科学 12-22 1.1.1 从“人权”到“民主” 12-19 1.1.2 “科学” 19-22 1.2 新文化运动的重要内容——“立”人 22-31 1.2.1 “人”的个性解放——倡导伦理革命 22-24 1.2.2 呼唤“人”的资格——倡导文学革命 24-28 1.2.3 肯定自我,夺回人的尊严——国民性改造 28-31 第二章 法国启蒙思想深刻作用新文化运动的主要原因 31-50 2.1 新文化运动前法国启蒙思想在中国的传播 31-41 2.1.1 从“民本”到“民权” 31-37 2.1.2 “人权自由主义”——从理论上确立了个人在国家政治生活中的独立地位 37-41 2.2 新文化运动领导人深受法国启蒙思想作用 41-47 2.2.1 陈独秀、李大钊、鲁迅、高一涵、吴虞等留日学者 41-45 2.2.2 留欧归来的蔡元培与北大 45-47 2.3 迷茫徘徊的中国急需法国启蒙思想 47-50 第三章 法国启蒙思想淡出中国与新文化运动的转向 50-67 3.1 法国启蒙思想淡出近代中国——新文化运动转向 50-59 3.1.1 李大钊的“庶民的胜利” 51-54 3.1.2 陈独秀新的民主观形成 54-58 3.1.3 蔡元培的“劳工神圣” 58-59 3.2 法国启蒙思想淡出近代中国的原因 59-67 3.2.1 法国启蒙思想的缺陷及其在西方的命运 59-62 3.2.2 法国启蒙思想无法解决中国问题 62-65 3.2.3 十月革命带来的震动 65-67 结语 67-68 注释 68-79 参考文献 79-82 致谢 82-83 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和参加的科研课题 83-84 声明 84 |