1964年1月,戴高乐将军引导下的法国当局疏忽美国的压力和全部东方世界的否决,法语毕业论文,在暗斗的国际配景下,正式宣告同新中国树立交际关系,全球为之惊动,中法建交也是以被称为“交际核爆炸”。40年曩昔了,国际外对中法建交成绩的商量已有颇多作品,但从战后法国对印支政策的演化这一角度来考核中法建交尚不多见。基于此,本文试图从这一角度对中、法、美三国在印支地域的好处抵触停止剖析,以提醒法国印支政策的演化对中法建交所起的伟大推进感化。全文分四部门。第一章重要就战后早期中、法、美三国对印度支那的政策停止了商量。1954年日内瓦会议前美国支撑法国重返印度支那,而中国则果断支撑印度支那国民抗击法美的侵犯,法语毕业论文,中国与法美之间抵触凸起。日内瓦会议后,跟着美国排斥和代替法国在印支的权势,法美抵触日益尖利,而中法之间抵触日渐趋缓,这就为往后中法接近并树立交际关系埋下伏笔。第二章重点对日内瓦会议前后法美在印度支那成绩上存在的抵触及发生这些抵触的缘由停止阐述,旨在提醒法美之间的重重抵触促使法国走上了联中抗美的途径,从而引出第三章的内容,即法国对印度支那政策的计谋改变推进法国认可新中国。最初一部门是停止语,归结和总结全文,对中法建交的汗青必定性、中、法、美三国在印度支那成绩上的三角关系对中法建交的推进感化、中法建交的国际作用和从中法建交中可得出的经历与经验停止扼要综述。 Abstract: In January 1964, under the guidance of General Charles de Gaulle, French authorities neglect the pressure from the United States and all of the eastern world veto, under the international background of infighting, formally announced the establish diplomatic relations with new China, global alarmed, the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France is called "nuclear explosion in communication". Over the past 40 years, international of France established diplomatic relations results to discuss has been quite a lot of work, but from Postwar French Indochina policy evolution of this perspective to assess Sino French of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries is still rare. Based on this, this article attempts from the point of view, France, the United States and three countries in the benefits of Indosinian regional conflict analysis, to remind the evolution of French Indochina policy of diplomatic ties between China and France played a great role in promoting. The paper is divided into four departments. The first chapter is important in the early postwar period, France and the United States of Indochina to discuss policy. In 1954 before the Geneva conference in support of the United States to return to Indochina and France, China decisive support for Indochina against the violation of national law and the law of beauty, between Chinese beauty conflict raised. After the Geneva conference, followed by the United States rejection and instead of French power in the Indo China and the United States and France conflict increasingly acerb, and between China and France conflicts increasingly slowed down, which is back Sino French approach and establish relations with foreshadowed. The second chapter focuses on meeting in Geneva before and after the United States and France in Indochina grades exist conflict and the conflict the reason to carry on the elaboration, aims at reminding method between the United States and heavy conflict prompted the French in the war to resist US aggression and the way, which leads to the content of the third chapter, namely French in Indochina policy strategy change promote the French recognized the new China. The first department is to stop, resolution and summary of the history of Sino French diplomatic relations to promote the triangle necessity, France and the United States in Indochina on the question of the relationship of international influence, China and France established diplomatic relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations and may be drawn from the experience and experience of Sino French diplomatic relations in brief review. 目录: 郑重声明 3-4 中文摘要 4-5 英文摘要 5 前言 8-12 第一章 战后初期中法美三国对印度支那的政策 12-27 第一节 美国支持法国重返印度支那 12-16 一、 法国决意重返印度支那 12-13 二、 美国支持法国重返印度支那 13-16 第二节 新中国支持印度支那人民的抗法斗争 16-22 一、 新中国决定支援印度支那人民的独立斗争 16-17 二、 新中国对印度支那人民独立斗争的巨大支持 17-20 三、 新中国支援印度支那人民抗法斗争的原因略论 20-22 第三节 日内瓦会议与美国直接干涉印度支那 22-27 一、 走向日内瓦 22-23 二、 美国直接干涉印度支那战争 23-25 三、 美国直接卷入印度支那冲突的原因 25-27 第二章 法美在印度支那的矛盾与斗争 27-39 第一节 法美矛盾 27-31 一、 日内瓦会议前法美矛盾初露端倪 27-29 二、 日内瓦会议后法美矛盾持续升温 29-30 三、 法美在印度支那对抗的原因 30-31 第二节 戴高乐与印度支那中立化政策的提出 31-35 一、 戴高乐的民族主义思想 31-32 二、 印度支那中立化建议的提出 32-35 第三节 美国拒绝印度支那中立化政策 35-39 一、 美国拒绝中立化建议 35-37 二、 美国拒绝中立化建议的原因 37-39 第三章 印度支那问题与法国承认新中国 39-52 第一节 第四共和国的对华政策 40-42 一、 法国拒不承认新中国 40-41 二、 法国不承认新中国的原因略论 41-42 第二节 联中抗美--法国对印度支那的战略转变 42-47 一、 戴高乐政府对印度支那政策的战略转变 42-44 二、 法国承认新中国的原因 44-47 第三节 中法建交的作用 47-52 结束语 52-56 注释 56-62 主要参考文献 62-65 后记 65 |