第二次世界年夜战时代,有很多妇女介入了奋斗,她们摈弃了传统的约束,参加到抵御法西斯和维希当局的活动傍边。她们介入谍报接收传递任务,协助掩护组织引导人,寻觅食品和生涯用品保证抵御活动的停止,树立机密机构救援抵御兵士和盟军。等等。这些都是在之前所不克不及想象的。法国妇女经由过程加入抵御活动,开辟了视野,锻炼了意志,加强了自负,开端从家庭走向社会,固然抵御活动的阅历其实不是战后妇女束缚活动成长的最年夜动因,然则,这段汗青异样不容疏忽。所以,本文从妇女介入抵御活动的缘由、进程、行为和作用等方面商量介入抵御活动,对妇女在政治、思惟、文明和社会方面所惹起的变更,进而作用“二战”后法国妇女束缚的汗青过程。全文分为五年夜部门序文部门、注释三个部门和结论部门。序文部门,重要对本文所触及的研究规模、研究概略做一简略描写,点明本文的重要研究主旨。注释第一章,剖析了法国妇女介入抵御活动的配景。分为三个方面法国的溃败、法国的经济艰苦、维希政权的“平易近族反动”。注释第二章,剖析了法国妇女在第二次世界年夜战中加入抵御活动的作用。重要有以下几个方面法国抵御活动中妇女的构成状态、法国妇女面临的挑衅和本身优势、法国抵御活动对法国妇女的作用、战后法国妇女活动的成长。注释第三章,剖析了第二次世界年夜战后法国妇女取得权力和法国妇女的现状。结语部门,经由过程这几年夜部门综合的剖析和论述,加倍深入地熟悉法国妇女束缚过程。 Abstract: During the Second World War, many of the women involved in the struggle, they abandon the traditional constraint to resist Nazi and Vichy authorities sideways. They involved in espionage receive transfer task, help cover to organize and guide the people, looking for food and life supplies guarantee against the stop, set up secret aid agencies against soldiers and allied. Wait These are all that you can't imagine before. French women through the process of joining the resistance movement, open up the vision, exercise the will, enhanced self-confidence, beginning from the family to society, of course, to resist activities experience actually not for the post-war women bound growth the biggest motivation. However, the history of strange not neglect. So, this paper from the women's intervention against the activities of the cause, process, behavior and effects of etc. consultation involved in the resistance movement, changes of women in political, ideological, cultural and social causes, and the influence of the "World War II" after the French women's Liberation of the historical process. The full text is divided into five major departments of the text department, notes three departments and the conclusion of the department. Preface department, it is important to this paper involved the scope of the study, the summary of researches do a brief description, and pointed out the important research subject. In the first chapter, it analyzes the background of the French women's intervention. Divided into three aspects: France's defeat, France's economic hardship, the Vichy regime "nation reactionary". Note the second chapter, analyzed the influence of French women in the second world war against joining activities. It is important to have the following aspects of the French defense activities in the state of the women, the French women face the challenge and their own advantages, France to resist the impact of French women's activities, the growth of the French women's activities after the war. In the third chapter, it analyzes the status quo of French women's power and French women after the Second World War. Conclusion department, through the process of several major comprehensive analysis and discussion, more in-depth understanding of the French women's binding process. 目录: 内容提要 6-7 ABSTRACT 7 序言 8-13 一、探讨的范围 8-9 二、探讨概况 9-11 三、战后妇女探讨 11-13 第一章 法国妇女参加第二次世界大战的背景 13-20 第一节 法国的溃败 13-15 第二节 法国的经济困难 15-17 第三节 维希政权的“民族革命” 17-20 第二章 法国妇女参加第二次世界大战的历史作用 20-37 第一节 法国抵抗运动中妇女的组成状况 20-23 第二节 法国妇女面对的挑战 23-25 第三节 妇女自身的优势 25-26 第四节 法国抵抗运动对妇女的作用 26-29 第五节 战后法国妇女运动的发展 29-37 第三章 第二次世界大战后法国妇女近况 37-42 第一节 为权力的均等而斗争 37-38 第二节 就业趋势不可逆转 38-40 第三节 妇女婚姻家庭观念的改变 40-42 结论 42-44 参考文献 44-48 致谢 48-49 学位论文评阅及答辩情况表 49 |