法国年夜反动以后,沙龙开端向学院派之外的艺术家开放,从此艺术中的专制消逝,艺术市场是以加倍活泼起来,艺术受众面也得以扩展。到19世纪中期,特殊是1848年今后,政治局面的更改,工业程度的成长,新科技的发生,无不与艺术世界的变更互相关注。法国作为东方艺术的中间,其多彩的艺术展览运动自己就值得研究。本文试图经由过程对其时一些展览情形的引见,联合响应的艺术批驳,法语论文范文,勾画出其时艺术家、批驳家、艺术市场、艺术受众之间的关系,借助其时的文献研究这个对古代艺术及其不雅念的成长发生了伟大作用的篇章。19世纪中期的法国艺术市场曾经异常自在,法语论文范文,本文愿望经由过程其时一些展览情形的文献材料使读者懂得,展览与批驳从多年夜水平上作用着艺术市场的成长和“的兴趣,而展览的举行,评审、”的兴趣反过去又如何作用艺术家的创作,从而激发对艺术展览与批驳的位置的思虑。 Abstract: After the French Revolution, Sharon began to open to the school outside the artists, from the art of the autocratic disappear, the art market is to double the lively up, the audience is also able to expand the art. By the middle of nineteenth Century, especially in 1848, changes in the political situation, the growth of the industrial level, the occurrence of new technology, and all of the changes in the art world attention. France, as the middle of the eastern art, its colorful art exhibition campaign itself is worth studying. This article attempts through the process to meantime some exhibition introduction, joint response of art criticism, lays out the meantime artists, criticized the relationship between artists and art market, art audience, with the time of the literature research the of ancient art and the concept of growth occurred chapter of great influence. In the middle of the 19th century French art market had been free, hope this article through meantime some exhibition literature materials enable readers to know, exhibition and criticism affects the art market growth and "interest from the level of the night for many years, and held in the exhibition, review," interest in the past and how it affects the artist's creation, so as to stimulate thinking of art exhibition and criticism of the position. 目录: 引 言 6-9 第一章 导论 9-12 第二章 1850-1851年沙龙 12-16 第三章 1852年官方沙龙 16-22 第四章 1855年法国世界博览会--第一届国际艺术展 22-34 第五章 1857官方沙龙 34-38 第六章 1859-1861年沙龙 38-40 第七章 1863年的法国 40-44 结论:反思 44-48 附录一: 注释 48-51 附录二:参考文献 51-53 |