
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


The declaration of a business company translation theory and to the description of the translation obligations to accompany a French favorable ornamental in Manas County of CITIC Guoan wine factory and business talks. Key to select the CITIC Guoan winery as people in business show and he and French merchants stop business talk as the object of the text analysis. For the typical case, the author analyzes the in translation the duty applied to translation skills and translation in the process of the emergence of various problems. The declaration is divided into four departments. The first part is a brief description of translation obligations. The second part is the description of the translation process, including spring contact human tongue role in translation memories, before translation with background information and professional vocabulary preparation, obligations in detail, and the author concludes by examining the. The third sector is case analysis, from the amplification, omission, restructuring strategy using the case stopped the detailed analysis on text level. The fourth sector is a summary. Through this declaration, the author analysis of the examples of spring contact the translation of the translation skills cease to discuss, also due to the lack of experience, in the translation theory met many achievements. Through the process of this declaration, wishes can perhaps summed up link translation to emerging problems and solving plan, tongue just import translation industry in future theoretical supply some reference, so as to better promote the movement of commercial diplomacy to stop.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS   5-6   ABSTRACT   6   摘要   7-8   CONTENTS   8-9   CHAPTER ONE TASK DESCRIPTION   9-13       1.1 Background of the Interpretation Practice   9-10       1.2 The Objectives of the Interpretation Practice   10-11       1.3 The Nature and Features of the Interpretation Practice   11-12       1.4 Background of the Employed Interpreter   12-13   CHAPTER TWO PROCESS DESCRIPTION   13-23       2.1. Pre-task Description   13-18           2.1.1 Reviewing the Role of an Escort Interpreter   13-14           2.1.2 Building up a Glossary of the Terminology   14-16           2.1.3 The CAT Tools Used in the Interpretation Practice   16-18       2.2 Process of the Task   18-20           2.2.1 The First Private Meeting   18-19           2.2.2 The Plant Tour   19-20           2.2.3 The second Private Meeting   20       2.3 Post-task Summary   20-23           2.3.1 The Quality-Control Methods used in the Practice   20-21           2.3.2 Self-modification   21-23   CHAPTER THREE CASE ANALYSIS   23-35       3.1 Main Ideas of Skopos Theory   23-24       3.2 Coping Tactics Adopted by the Author   24-35           3.2.1 Paraphrasing and Explanation   24-26           3.2.2 Amplification   26-29           3.2.3 Omission   29-31           3.2.4 Division   31-33           3.2.5 Parroting   33           3.2.6 Consultation   33-35   CHAPTER FOUR CONCLUSION   35-39       4.1 User’s Evaluation   35-36       4.2 Findings and Limitations   36-37       4.3 Implications of the Practice   37-39   REFERENCES   39-41   Appendix A   41-47   Appendix B   47-66  
