缘于意年夜利宫庭的沙龙文明在18世纪的法国盛极一时。它是法国发蒙活动最为主要的社会机构之一,是信息、思惟交换和停止学术评论辩论的场合,是酝酿反动的场合。每个有名的沙龙常常都有一个女主人,法语论文,18世纪有名的沙龙女性包含乔弗林夫人、德·莱斯比纳斯蜜斯、内克夫人等。沙龙女性富有、安闲、卖力、有魅力,具有开启沙龙的前提。她们既是沙龙运动的配角也是副角。她们举行的沙龙一举三得,法语论文范文,对本身、宾客和社会都无益。年夜反动时代,沙龙和沙龙女性开端走向政治化,而沙龙女性的政治能力也获得了彰显。固然沙龙女性对于政治的介入与时期配景相悖,然则弗成否定的是她们的运动为后来女性的觉悟与社会位置的进步埋下了伏笔。 Abstract: Due to the Italian court in France in eighteenth Century in the salon of civilization. It is one of the major social institutions in most of the French Enlightenment, information, ideas exchange and stop the academic review the debate of the occasion, is brewing reactionary occasions. Every famous salon often have a mistress, 18th century famous women salon contains Qiaofulin lady, Germany, lespinasse honey, and Necker Mrs. etc.. Salon women rich, comfortable, responsible and attractive, with the premise of open salon. They are not only the salon movement supporting role is also the vice angle. They held a salon with one, is beneficial for itself, guests and society. In the era of the revolution, the women of Sharon and Sharon began to become political, and the political power of women in Sharon was also demonstrated. Although women salon about political intervention and time background contrary, however, Eph into denied their movement for later female consciousness and the social position of the progress and buried a foreshadowing. 目录: 致谢 5-6 目录 6-7 中文摘要 7-8 Abstract 8 绪言 9-16 1 沙龙的缘起与18世纪法国沙龙 16-25 1.1 沙龙的缘起 16-21 1.1.1 沙龙与宫廷社交的渊源 16-18 1.1.2 早期沙龙与宫廷社交的区别 18-19 1.1.3 17世纪法国的贵族沙龙 19-21 1.2 18世纪的法国沙龙 21-25 1.2.1 沙龙存在的社会背景 21-22 1.2.2 启蒙时代沙龙的繁荣 22-25 2 启蒙时代女性在沙龙中的地位体现 25-41 2.1 开启沙龙所具备的条件 27-33 2.1.1 富有清闲的沙龙女人 27-28 2.1.2 兢兢业业的职业女性 28-31 2.1.3 独具特色的魅力女性 31-33 2.2 主角与配角的结合 33-36 2.2.1 组织者与调停人 33-35 2.2.2 交谈活动的配角 35-36 2.3 女性沙龙的影响与意义 36-41 2.3.1 自我教育的实现 36-37 2.3.2 为他人做嫁衣裳 37-38 2.3.3 推动社会的进步 38-41 3 沙龙女性与法国大革命 41-49 3.1 大革命前后的沙龙女性 41-45 3.1.1 旧制度下沙龙女性的非政治化 41-43 3.1.2 大革命期间沙龙女性的政治化 43-45 3.2 沙龙女性的结局与作用 45-49 3.2.1 参与革命的悲剧结局 45-46 3.2.2 革命推动女性社会地位提高 46-49 结语 49-50 参考文献 50-54 作者简介 54 |