中国改造开放三十年来,本国直接投资的趋向开端逆转为很多中国公司走向全球的成长。固然在经济危机的情形下,中国制作的产物面对着诸多的艰苦,联想、海尔、华为这几个中国品牌却保持持续向全球市场扩大。依据韩国和日本竞争敌手们的申报称,全球市场的道路是不轻易的,法语毕业论文,且完整分歧于国际的做法,而品牌则是最主要的胜利身分之一作为全球中国制著作牌之一的联想团体,是一家盘算机行业的领军公司。经由过程吞并IBM小我电脑部分,该企业获得了ThinkPad, ThinkCentre,和IBM的全球性品牌认识,并且联想在国际的品牌著名度也随之进步。因为IBM品牌的运用时光异常无限,法语论文范文,该企业必需立刻完制品牌转移。成绩在于‘品牌转移的进程从花费者的角度来看能否胜利?’恰是本文研究的重点。品牌转移的研究申报揭橥布极无限,特别是在两家完整分歧的公司,联想和IBM企业,所以,本研究运用摸索性查询拜访办法,采用先辈行考核和数据搜集,再选定研究成绩和假定。本研究的成果,选用一个框架评论以后联想品牌的价值状态,包含其优势和弱点;再运用此信息提出一个适合的品牌计谋。 Abstract: Thirty years of reform and opening up to China, domestic direct investment trend reversed as many China companies go global growth. Although under the situation of economic crisis, a product made in China facing many hardships, Lenovo, Haier, Huawei Technologies, the Chinese brand has maintained continued to expand to the global market. According to the South Korean and Japanese competitors are reporting that global market road is not easy, and completely different to international practices, and the brand is the main victory, is one of the factors as the global "made in China" brand of Lenovo Group, is a computer industry leading enterprises. Through the process and the annexation of the IBM personal computer parts, the company acquired the ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, and IBM's global brand awareness and Lenovo in the brand famous degree also rises subsequently. Because the IBM brand application time is infinite, the company must immediately complete the transfer of the brand. The result is that "the transfer of the brand process from the perspective of the consumer can win?" It is the focus of this paper. Brand transfer research declaration exposing a cloth extremely limited, especially in two completely different enterprises, Lenovo and IBM, so the application of this study touch simply survey methods, use advanced assessment and data collection, then select the research achievements and assumptions. The results of this study, the choice of a framework is reviewed after Lenovo brand value and contains its own strengths and weaknesses; using this information suggests a suitable brand strategy. 目录: Abstract 5 摘要 6-10 Ⅰ Introduction 10-12 1.1 Background of the Study 10 1.2 Problem Identification 10-11 1.3 Research Objectives 11 1.4 Delimitation 11-12 Ⅱ Theories and Literature Review 12-24 2.1 Brand:Definition and Functions 12 2.2 Consumer Decision Making Process 12-15 2.2.1 Classification based on Involvement Level of Customers 13 2.2.2 Classification based on Consumer's Information Processing 13-14 2.2.3 Steps to Brand Loyalty 14-15 2.3 Brand Equity 15-18 2.3.1 Brand Awareness 16 2.3.2 Brand Image & Association 16 2.3.3 Perceived Quality-Country of Origin 16-18 2.4 Brand Building Process 18-22 2.4.1 Brand Planning 18 2.4.2 Brand Analysis 18-19 2.4.3 Brand Strategy-Positioning 19-21 2.4.4 Brand Building 21 2.4.5 Brand Audit 21-22 2.5 Branding Strategies Framework 22-24 Ⅲ Research Methodology 24-28 3.1 Data Collection 24-25 3.2 Research Flow Chart 25 3.3 Instrumentation 25-26 3.4 Questionnaire Designing 26 3.5 Interview Designing 26-27 3.6 Sampling 27-28 Ⅳ Lenovo's Branding 28-32 4.1 Brief Introduction on Lenovo 28 4.2 Lenovo's Branding before the Acquisition of IBM 28-29 4.3 Lenovo's Branding after the Acquisition of IBM 29-30 4.4 Lenovo's Branding in France 30-32 Ⅴ Findings and Discussion 32-58 5.1 Data Collection Process 32 5.2 Questionnaire Findings 32-40 5.2.1 Demographic 32-33 5.2.2 Consumers' Behavior 33-35 5.2.3 Brand Awareness 35-36 5.2.4 Brand Image 36-40 5.3 Focus Group Discussion 40-43 5.3.1 Demographic 40 5.3.2 Customers' Behavior 40-41 5.3.3 Brand Image 41-42 5.3.4 Brand Management and Marketing Mix 42-43 5.4 Analysis 43-50 5.4.1 The Role of Customers' Behavior toward PC Brand 43-45 5.4.2 The Correlation between Brand Equity and the Performance of the Company 45-47 5.4.3 Brand Image and Optimizing the Added Value of a Brand 47-50 5.5 Lenovo:Brand Audit 50-58 5.5.1 Brand Audit 50-55 5.5.2 Proposed Strategy 55-58 Ⅵ Conclusion and Recommendations 58-60 6.1 Conclusion 58 6.1.1 Consumer Behavior toward PC Product 58 6.1.2 Correlation between Brand Awareness and Market Share 58 6.1.3 Brand Image 58 6.2 Recommendations 58-60 6.2.1 To Lenovo 58-59 6.2.2 Future Research 59-60 Reference 60-62 List of Figure 62-63 List of Table 63-64 Appendix 64-70 Acknowledgement 70-71 卷内备考表 71 |