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资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08
自上世纪以来,松树萎蔫病一向是林业上的扑灭性病害。普通以为,松树萎蔫病的病原物为松材线虫[Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(Steiner&Buhrer)Nickle],但部门研究者以为拟松材线虫(B。mucronatus Mamiya&Enda)分歧地舆种群间存在致病性分化,有的种群乃至有较强的致病潜能。近几年来,松材线虫的伴生细菌又成为研究的热门。别的,法国拟松材线虫的分类位置不明白使得源于法国的分别物BmFr2的致病性没法归属。针对这些成绩,笔者停止了以下实验,以期为松树萎蔫病的研究供给实际根据。将搜集到的27个拟松材线虫分离接种于3年生马尾松(Pinus massoniana)苗和黑松(P。thunbergii)苗,成果显示接种的马尾松苗简直不雅察不到感病症状,法语论文范文,而黑松苗却对拟松材线虫表示较高的敏理性。从数据剖析来看,拟松材线虫对马尾松苗的致逝世率和RHS系数均为0,而对黑松苗的致逝世率介于0一75%之间,RHS系数介于0一840之间。个中来自福建的一个线虫种群BmFJ2对黑松苗的致逝世率为75%,法语论文范文,RHS系数为840,表示出与阳性松材线虫对比相当的致病力。其次来自法国的BmFr2和来自加拿年夜的Bmcan也表示出很强的致病潜力,对黑松苗的致逝世率均为50%,RHS系数分离为207。2和117。8。BmCWY1、BmCGHP、BmCGHH、BmCSX、BmFr1五个种群的RHS系数都低于100,同时对黑松有必定或较强的致逝世率。而年夜多半拟松材线虫群体对黑松苗没有作用或作用很小。选择4个松材线虫分别物作为资料分别到了4个细菌株系。接种实验注解不管是有菌线虫、无菌线虫与伴生细菌的混杂物照样零丁的无菌线虫都邑形成寄主100%逝世亡。而分别出的所谓伴生细菌零丁接种不克不及惹起松苗的凋萎,对松苗的致逝世率为0。对RHS值停止t考试发明:(1)在0。01的明显程度上,有菌线虫和无菌线虫和和无菌线虫与它们响应的伴生细菌的混杂物之间差别明显;(2)在0。05的明显程度上,无菌线虫和无菌线虫与它们响应的伴生细菌的混杂物之间差别明显。这就注解,虽然所谓松材线虫的伴生细菌不克不及零丁惹起黑松苗的萎蔫,然则它能使松材线虫更好的顺应于在黑松苗中的生计并加快松树的逝世亡。经由过程形状学比拟,ITS一RFLP份子图谱比拟和生物学杂交3种办法对代表松材线虫的BxUS3、BxCAJ,代表亚洲型拟松材线虫的BmFJ2、BmCNJ、BmCSC1,来自法国的分别物BmFr2和两个新种Bnsp1和Bnsp2八个分别物之间的分类关系停止了研究,一以期弄清法国分别物BinEr二的分类位置。成果显示,不管在形状上照样在*卜RFLP份子图谱下去自法国的分别物BmFrZ都与亚洲型拟松村线虫更加类似,并且它能与亚洲拟松材线虫BmFJZ、BmCNJ、BmCSCI胜利杂交并树立了可以或许延续的种群,与松村线虫分别物BxUS3和BxCAJ和个滑刃属两个新种Bnspl和BnspZ u不克不及杂交或不克不及树立可以或许延续的种群。这注解法国分别物BmFrZ其实不属于一个自力的种,而应归属于拟松材线虫。但是,要肯定法国拟松材线虫的分类位置还须要进一步的研究。


Since the last century, pine wilt disease is always fight diseases in forestry. Ordinary thought, the pathogen of pine wilt disease for pine wood nematode [Bursaphelenchus xylophilus Steiner&Buhrer Nickle]. But research departments that b.mucronatus (b. Mamiya&Enda mucronatus) there are pathogenic differentiation among different geographic populations, some of which have strong pathogenic potential. In recent years, the associated bacteria of pine wood nematode has become a hot research. The other, pathogenicity of France to taxonomic position of pine wood nematode in France do not understand that the source BmFr2 not belong respectively. According to these results, the author for the following experiments, in order to pine wilt disease research according to the actual supply. The collected 27 quasi separation inoculated pine wood nematode in 3 years old masson pine (Pinus massoniana) and P (Pinus thunbergii seedlings. Thunbergii seedlings results, it showed that the inoculation of pine seedlings simply not to sense disease symptoms, and lodgepole pine seedlings but to Bursaphelenchus mucronatus said higher sensitivity. From the data analysis point of view, intends to Bursaphelenchus xylophilus to Pinus massoniana seedlings induced death rate and RHS index was 0, and to P. thunbergii seedlings induced death rates ranged from 0 75% between, RHS index ranged from 0 to 840 between. Medium from Fujian Province nematode populations bmfj2 of lodgepole pine seedlings induced death rate was 75%, RHS index for 840, showing positive pine wood nematode quite a contrast to the pathogenicity. Secondly from France BmFr2 and from Canada Bmcan also expressed a strong pathogenic potential, to P. thunbergii seedlings induced death rate was 50%, RHS separation coefficient of 207. 2 and 117. 8. The RHS coefficient of five populations of BmCWY1, BmCGHP, BmCGHH, BmCSX, BmFr1 are lower than 100, at the same time to P. thunbergii is inevitable or strong induced death rate. And most of the eve of b.mucronatus groups of black pine seedlings have very little effect. 4 as the data were respectively nematode to 4 bacterial strains. Nematode strain and sterile nematodes and bacteria associated with mixed debris still Lingding aseptic nematode cities formed host 100% death inoculation experiment annotations either. Are the so-called associated bacteria alone cannot cause the inoculation of pine seedlings wilting, pine seedlings caused by the death rate was 0. The RHS value to stop the t test invention: (1) in 0. 01, there was a significant difference in the degree of mixing between the bacteria and the bacteria and the bacteria that were associated with the bacteria; (2) in 0. 05 the apparent extent of the sterile nematodes and the sterile nematodes and their response to the associated bacteria were significantly different between the. The notes, although the so-called pine wood nematode associated bacteria cannot individually cause lodgepole pine seedlings wilt. However, it can enable pine wood nematode better adaptation to livelihoods in lodgepole pine seedlings and accelerate pine death. Through the process of shape comparison, its RFLP molecular map match and biological hybridization 3 kinds of methods on behalf of pine wood nematode identification, molecular identification, on behalf of the Asian type quasi Bursaphelenchus xylophilus bmfj2, BmCNJ, BmCSC1, from France were BmFr2 and two unpublished new species bnspl and bnsp2 eight respectively classification relationship between was studied. A to ascertain the French were biner second classification position. As is shown in the results, regardless of in the shape still in * Bu molecular RFLP map down since the French were BmFrZ are with Asian type quasi Bursaphelenchus xylophilus is more similar, and it can with Asian intends to pine wood nematode BmFJZ, BmCNJ, BmCSCI victory hybridization and the establishment of populations may continue, and Pine Village nematodes were identification and molecular identification and a sliding blade is two new species Bnspl and BnspZ u cannot than hybridization or cannot not be established populations may continue. The French BmFrZ notes were actually does not belong to a separate species, and should belong to b.mucronatus. However, be sure to position classification of French b.mucronatus to further research.

