
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08
法国中尉的女人是约翰·福尔斯最有名的长篇小说之一。因为在主题、构造、人物描绘和说话等方面的庞杂性和首创性,使得该小说自1969年问世以来,就广受文学评论界的存眷。虽然各类文学批驳派别从分歧的角度对它停止阐释,但对小说包含的对话性却鲜有人说起。本文试运用巴赫金的对话实际对小说的对话性停止详细剖析。除引言和结论外,本文包含三个章节。引言部门综述了迄今为止评论界对这部小说的研究结果。浩瀚的评论专著和思惟从分歧层面临该小说奇特的话语和主题停止了商量。这些解读涵盖了传统的实际主义、新汗青主义、存在主义、女权主义和后古代主义等浩瀚批驳派别。第一章肯定了对话主义和对话性的寄义及其症结要素。对话性是“具有一致价值的分歧认识之间互相感化的一种特别情势。”(巴赫金, 1984284)在互相感化中,这些分歧认识彼此自力,法语论文范文,具有一致主要的位置,这是对话小说的主要特点。它强调对作者统治位置的增添、小说人物的自立性和文本的不肯定性。本章的第二部门剖析了福尔斯的小说创作理念,而这些理念对作者、人物、读者的脚色和位置提出了比拟独到的看法。福尔斯的创作理念正好与巴赫金的对话性思惟不约而同。第二章具体阐释了小说重要人物萨拉、查尔斯和欧内斯蒂娜之间的对话关系。福尔斯在这部小说中摈弃了传统的全能作者的抽象,付与小说人物自立权从而展现维多利亚社会分歧认识形状之间的抵触抵触及男女主人公为争夺自在所作的尽力。是以,作为一部对话小说,法国中尉的女人中的人物抽象不是平板单调的,而是真实饱满的。小说人物不再是作者手中思虑、措辞和行动都受制于作者、由作者牵引的木偶。第三章剖析了人物、作者与读者之间的对话关系。作者采取了元论述的手腕减弱并推翻了作者的统治位置和传统的实际主义小说。这类对传统实际主义的推翻正好表现了小说作者同人物和论述者的对话立场,进而展现了作者同人物和读者之间的互动和对话是若何完成的。凭此,法语论文范文,法国中尉的女人不只展现了丰硕的、深入的维多利亚时代的汗青常识,并且运用其奇特的实验情势,打破了独白型小说的约束。经由过程上述剖析和研究,本文得出的结论是法国中尉的女人作为一部对话性小说,更真实地塑造了小说人物;它经由过程分歧方面、分歧认识重建了一个静态的、复调的维多利亚社会;在乎义生成上,它勉励读者的积极介入和想象。由于这些分歧的对话关系,这部小说比传统的独白型小说更具有性命力和张力。


The French Lieutenant's woman is one of John Fowles's most famous novels. Because of its complexity and originality in the aspects of theme, structure, character description and speech, the novel has been widely received by literary critics since its publication in 1969. Although all kinds of literary criticism schools from different angles of its interpretation, but the novel contains dialogue but few people speaking. This paper tries to use Bakhtin's dialogue to analyze the dialogue of the novel. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper consists of three chapters. The introduction section reviews the results of the review so far on this novel. A vast review of books and ideas from the different layer facing the novel strange words and topics to discuss. Interpretation of these covers the traditional realism, new historical principle, existentialism, feminism and post modernism and the vast refuted factions. The first chapter affirms the significance of dialogue and dialogue. Dialogue is a special form of mutual influence between the different understanding of the same value." (Bakhtin, 1984284) in each other's influence, these differences are independent of each other, with a major position, which is the main feature of the novel dialogue. It emphasizes the addition of the author's dominant position, the independence of the characters and the uncertainty of the text. Second part of this chapter analyzes the Fowles's novel creation concept, and these ideas to the author, the characters and the reader's role and position proposed compared to the original view. Fowles's creative idea coincides with Bakhtin's dialogue thinking. The second chapter explains the relationship between O Nesti Aa, Charles and Sara, the important characters of the novel. Falls in the novel abandons the traditional universal author abstract, entrusts with the characters in the novels of autonomy in order to show Victoria social differences understanding to the shape of the conflicting information and the hero and heroine to fight for freedom and tried. Is to, as a dialogue novel, "the French Lieutenant's Woman" in the figure is not flat monotonous, but the real full. Characters are no longer considered in the hands of the author, the wording and actions are subject to the author, by the author of the puppet. The third chapter analyzes the dialogue between the characters, the author and the reader. The author takes the meta discourse of the wrist to weaken and overthrow the author's dominant position and the traditional realistic novels. The overthrow of this kind of traditional realism just shows the dialogue between the author and the characters and the discourse, and shows how the interaction and the dialogue between the writer and the reader. With this, "the French Lieutenant's Woman" not only shows the rich and profound historical knowledge of the Vitoria times, and the application of its unique experimental situation, breaking the constraints of the monologue novel. Through the above analysis and research, this paper draws the conclusion is the French Lieutenant's woman as a dialogic novel, more realistically shaped characters; through its different aspects, different understanding of reconstruction of a static and polyphonic Victorian society; on the meaning generation, it encourages the reader actively involved and imagination. Due to the dialogue between these differences, the novel has more life force and tension than the traditional monologue.

