分歧时代之所以会发生分歧款式的修建,既不是完整由地舆情况决议,也不是完整由人类本身决议,文明的感化即便不是决议性的,也长短常主要的。这里所说的文明是狭义上的年夜文明,它是一个复合全体,包含物资技巧、社会标准、政治轨制、不雅念精力和其它一切人类发明物。十七世纪法国文明的明显特点是独裁王权到达巅峰,这是几代君主配合的斗争目的和成果。在这一时代,独裁君主独揽年夜权,掌握一切,社会绝对稳固、同一,法语论文,经济比拟繁华,各种文明身分孕育出古典主义的修建情势,法语论文题目,它宏伟、对称、规整,充斥激烈的君权主义气味,反应了其时的社会状态。岂论是宗教修建,照样世俗修建,其形状都和社会文明互相关注;皇家修建,特别是凡尔赛宫和它的几何形花圃,更是运用修建衬托王权的典范例子。政治、经济、宗教、文学、哲学等各文明身分与修建之间关系亲密,它们决议修建的情势,修建是它们的忠诚反应;固然,修建对文明的作用也不容疏忽,它能转变一个地域的文明气氛。经由过程剖析文献和实地观赏,可以得出以下结论文明在很年夜水平上决议修建的成长偏向,修建是人类文明光鲜而活泼的表现者,二者之间的关系密弗成分。是以在观赏一件修建著作时,要把修建物放到发生它的社会汗青情况中去,和其时的文明相联合,深刻挖掘修建的文明内在。只要如许,能力真正读懂修建。 Abstract: Differences in the era of differences in the construction of the style, neither by the geographical situation of the integrity of the resolution, nor is it a complete resolution of the human itself, the impact of civilization, even if not the resolution, but also the length of the main. Here the civilization is the narrow sense of the great civilization, it is a composite of all, including material skills, social standards, political system, and the idea of the energy and other all human inventions. Seventeenth Century, the obvious characteristics of the French civilization is the authoritarian Wang Quan reached the peak, which is the purpose and results of several generations of the monarch with the fight. In this era, the autocratic monarch monopolized Nianye in grasp all, society is relatively stable, the same, the economy is relatively prosperous, various civilization identity bred classicism construction situation, its magnificent, symmetry and regularity, full of fierce royalism smell and reaction the privileged social status. Both the religious building, still secular building, its shape and civilized society concerned about each other; the construction of the Royal, especially the palace of Versailles and its geometric garden, is applied to build a paradigmatic examples to emphasize the kingship. Politics, economy, religion, literature, philosophy and the civilization identity and build relationships, they decided to build the situation, was built their loyalty response; of course, the construction of influence of civilization also nots allow to ignore, it can change the atmosphere of civilization of a region. Through the literature analysis and field viewing, you can draw the following conclusions civilization is the eve of the horizontal resolution in the construction of growth bias, was built of human civilization bright and lively, between the two relationship close. Is to watch a construction work, to the construction of the social history of the occurrence of it, and the time of the civilization of the joint, deep excavation of the construction of civilization. As long as this, the ability to truly understand the construction. 目录: Remerciements 3-4 摘要 4-5 Resume 5-6 Abstract 6 Introduction 7-11 Chapitre ⅠCaracteristiques de la culture francaise du XVIIe siecle 11-20 Definition de la monarchie absolue 11-12 Genese 12-14 Developpement 14-16 Apogee 16-20 Chapitre ⅡArchitecture classique et influence de la culture sur rarchitecture sous de differents aspects 20-33 Architecture classique 20-22 Influence de la culture sur l‘architecture 22-33 ◆ politique 23-26 ◆ economie 26-28 ◆ langue 28-29 ◆ litterature 29-31 ◆ Philosophic 31-33 Chapitre Ⅲ Exemples de l’architecture classique du XVIIe siecle et leurs relations avec la culture generale 33-51 Architecture religieuse 33-36 Architecture civile 36-41 ◆ batiments administratifs 36-38 ◆ demeures patriciennes 38-40 ◆ places 40-41 Architecture royale 41-51 ◆ chateau 43-44 ◆ interieur 44-46 ◆ jardin 46-51 Conclusion Declin de la monarchie absolue et perte d‘importance du style classique 51-58 Influence tres importante de l’architecture sur la culture 55-56 "Methode de lire" l’edifice 56-58 Bibliographie 58-60 Table des matieres 60-61 |