今朝对外汉语教材研究年夜都针对的是国际编写的汉语教材,法语论文范文,对国外学者汉语教材编写的研究比拟软弱。而国外教材的编写理念、课文内容、演习、正文、文明身分等都有分歧于国际汉语教材的地方,可以或许为往后对外汉语教材的编写和研究带来启发。本文环绕法国最通行的汉语教材汉语说话文字发蒙睁开剖析,联合法国本地的汉语教授教养情形,经由过程对法国昂热年夜学,昂热高级商学院,昂热高级工程师学院和昂热西上帝教年夜学内进修汉语的先生所作的问卷查询拜访成果停止剖析,在此基本上运用相干实际停止剖析验证,最初就白乐桑的以字本位为主导的汉语说话文字发蒙这本教材提出公道的改良建议。起首,跟着近几年各类对外汉语教材的蓬勃出现,国际一直没有很好的针对分歧国度和地域的教材。别的一方面,各个国度的汉语教员和研究者也在测验考试着编写相符外乡的汉语教材。据此,自己对后人研究的结果停止过细的梳理和综述,并阐述了汉语说话文字发蒙教材的编写的需要性。其次,本文接着从教材编写的实际和字本位实际这两方面来论证白乐桑汉语说话文字发蒙的编写实际基本。汉语说话文字发蒙以字为中间,字词联合,统筹白话,将汉语教授教养的根本动身点放在以字为本的进修才能造就上,法语论文范文,同时重视白话和适用。再次,本文在对法国昂热地域4所比拟有名的年夜学中进修汉语的先生就法国以后比拟风行的汉语教材停止了问卷查询拜访,并对换查成果停止统计剖析,联合教材编写实际和字本位实际停止详细的剖析验证。最初,本文从教材内容、教材构造、教材演习、教材正文等各方面情形具体阐述了法国汉语教材的运用情形,并进一步响应的给出了详细的修正建议。总之,本文的研究为国际研究者进一步懂得法国以后运用汉语教材的现状供给了必定的根据,本研究对懂得世界分歧国度和地域的汉语教材的编写有必定的自创意义,特殊是对法国汉语教材编写有必定的指点感化。 Abstract: At present Chinese textbooks on most is for the international Chinese textbooks compiled, research on Chinese textbooks written by foreign scholars is relatively weak. Textbook of foreign concepts, contents of texts, exercises, body and identity have different civilization in the international Chinese textbooks, can bring inspiration for future Chinese textbooks and research. This text is around France's most popular Chinese textbooks for the Chinese speak word enlightenment "analysis of the open, with the French local Chinese teaching situation, through the process of the University of angers, France, angers senior business school, angers Institute of senior engineer and ang West God taught university study Chinese Mr. questionnaire survey results analysis. Based on these, the application coherent theory analysis to verify, initially white Lesang a word in the standard for leading the Chinese speaking text enlightenment" the textbook, put forward reasonable suggestions for improvement. First of all, with all kinds of foreign language teaching in recent years the emerging international, has not been very good for different countries and regions of the textbook. The other hand, the countries of the Chinese teachers and researchers also try to write with other Chinese textbooks. Accordingly, their results to the posterity research stop meticulous combing and summary, and introduces the Chinese speaking text enlightenment teaching materials in the preparation of the need. Secondly, this paper then from the textbook compilation of actual and character based practice these two aspects to demonstrate Joel Bellassen the Chinese speaking words illuminative "actually writing the basic. The Chinese speaking text enlightenment "to the word as the center, word joint, co-ordinate the vernacular, Chinese teaching the fundamental starting point put in word for creating the ability to learn on, and the importance of vernacular and applicable. Again, this paper in the area of angers, France 4 compared to the famous university study Chinese Mr. France after the match popular Chinese textbooks stop of a questionnaire survey, and on the investigation results of statistical analysis, combined with teaching materials written word actual and standard actually stop detailed analysis to verify. At first, this paper from the aspects of teaching content, teaching materials, teaching materials, teaching body structure exercises case illustrates the application of Chinese Textbooks in France, and further response gives detailed suggestions. In conclusion, this research is the study of the international further understand France application status of Chinese textbooks provide a certain according to, this research to understand the Chinese textbook in the world of different countries and regions has certain significance to write, especially of Chinese Textbooks in France preparation of a certain guidance effect. 目录: |