查理曼是欧洲中世纪汗青上最主要的君主之一,他统治的时期在军事、政治、文明、宗教等范畴都做出了非比平常的进献。固然他因生涯风格上的成绩和早期统治的掉误而备受争议,但是跟着时光的推移,人们对他的评价愈来愈高。在11—13世纪风行的豪杰史诗和一些教会文学著作中,人们曾经把许多虚拟的、具有传奇颜色的故事附加到他的身上,法语论文范文,他也由此被塑形成分歧的文学抽象。本文起首试图复原汗青上查理曼的真实面孔,研讨加洛林时期对他的评价的演化。接着以文本解读的措施,归结文学著作中的查理曼抽象,并阐释其内涵涵义。最初,联合汗青配景剖析查理曼传奇抽象发生的动因。本文由绪论、注释和结语三部门构成:绪论部门起首对本文的研究规模赐与了界定,然后梳理国际外研究状态,从而指出本文研究的立异的地方。注释部门,第一章试图复原查理曼的真实汗青面孔,并依据分歧时代的文献,考核加洛林时期人们对其汗青评价的演化。查理曼之所以可以或许进入文学著作中,在这一时代就曾经初露眉目。第二章是本文的主体部门。以11—13文学著作为研究对象,笔者从中归结了查理曼在著作中出现的三种抽象:“十字军兵士”、“幻想国王”、“封建领主”,并逐个解读个中涵义。第三章重要联合汗青配景剖析查理曼之所以被归纳成上述三种抽象的动因。笔者从中世纪三年夜力气主体一教会、王权、贵族的角度,注解他们认识形状的投射是查理曼抽象生成的重要动因。结语部门,法语毕业论文,笔者对该成绩停止了总结,提出了一些本身的不雅点。 Abstract: Charleyman is one of the most important kings in the medieval history of Europe, and he has made no more than the ordinary into the military, political, cultural, religious and other areas. Although he was a result of career style and early rule out of the error and much controversy, but with the passage of time, the people of his evaluation is more and more high. In the 11 - 13 century popular hero epic and some church literature works, people have many virtual, is the story of the legendary color attached to his body, he has thus been plastic formation of the literature is divided on the abstraction. This paper attempts to restore the history of Charleyman's true face, to explore the evolution and evaluation of the Carolingian period of his. Then, with the method of text interpretation, it comes down to the abstract of Charleyman in literary works, and explains its connotation. At first, the analysis of the cause of Charleyman's legendary abstract is the combination of historical and historical analysis. This paper consists of introduction, notes, and conclusion of three departments: the preface, first and foremost, the scope of the study given and defined, and then sort out at home and abroad and the research status. It is pointed out that the innovation of this research. Comment department, the first chapter to Charlemagne restoration of real history faces and according to the different ages of literature, assessment the Carolingian period people for evaluation of its history evolution. The reason why Charleyman can enter the literary works, it has arises in this era. The second chapter is the main body of this paper. The 11 - 13 literary works as the research object, the author attributed the Charlemagne in the works of three abstract from: "Crusader", "the king of fantasy" and "feudal lord", and one by one interpretation of the medium meaning. The third chapter is the important part of the history and the analysis of the reason why Charleyman has been summed up as three kinds of abstract. The author, from the perspective of the three main bodies of the middle ages, the church, Wang Quan, and the noble, notes that their understanding of the shape of the projection is an important reason for the formation of Charleyman's abstract. Conclusion section, the author of the results of the summary, put forward some of their own point of view. 目录: 内容摘要 6-7 Abstract 7 绪论 9-15 (一) 探讨范围界定 10-11 (二) 国外探讨状况 11-14 (三) 国内探讨状况 14-15 第一章 历史人物查理曼 15-28 第一节:查理曼和他的时代 15-20 第二节:加洛林时代对查理曼的评价 20-28 第二章 查理曼的文学形象及内涵 28-45 第一节:作为十字军战士的查理曼 28-34 第二节:作为理想国王化身的查理曼 34-40 第三节:作为封建领主的查理曼 40-45 第三章 查理曼文学形象的生成动因 45-57 第一节:教会需要查理曼的斗士形象 45-50 第二节:卡佩王朝的政治需要 50-54 第三节:封建贵族对卡佩王权的质疑 54-57 结语 57-58 附录:译名表 58-61 附图 61-69 参考文献 69-73 后记 73 |