
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08

摘 要]中法文的异同是不言而喻的。中文旅游资料在写作之初没有、也不必考虑以后要翻译成法语的问题。鉴于旅游资料翻译不同于文学著作,文献资料等的翻译,动笔之前首先要了解英文相关资料的写作模式;其次要明确翻译的目的,即在有限的篇幅内向游客介绍具体的、实用的信息;最后还要明确译文的服务对象———以度假休闲为目的的、对中国知之甚少或一无所知的普通游客。只有这样,才能将原文的主要内容以读者喜闻乐见的形式呈现于读者面前。


我国悠久的历史、灿烂的文化正以其独特的魅力吸引着越来越多的外国人到中国来旅游。让外国人在有限的时间内尽可能多地了解中国文化,除了导游员的介绍,我们也不能忽视相关旅游资料的影响。旅游资料的种类很多,有图书、宣传画册、导游图、电视电影记录片和明信片等,它所涉及的内容五花八门,包罗万象。目前的现实是英文版的旅游资料大都译自汉语,而翻译过程中存在着一些诸如准则、措施等问题。本文重点讨论的是:以国外普通旅游者为对象,以介绍中国旅游资源(旅游景点、旅游城市及旅游活动) 为主的旅行指南及对外宣传材料的汉译英问题。

  Abstract : It is self2evident that Chinese and English are completelydifferent. When composing tourism2related materials , the authors ofthe Chinese version do not , and needn’t consider their beingtranslated into English. As the translation of tourism2relatedmaterials differs from the translation of literary works or documents.

  The translators should first be aware of style of such materials whentranslating these materials ; secondly , they should know theirpurpose —to introduce the specific and useful information to commontourists in a limited space ; finally , they should know their readers—the tourists who come to China on holiday , and who know little or alittle about China. Only in this way will the English version be wellreceived.

  Key words :tourism2related material ;translation

  景点名称的翻译看似简单,但要译好译准,还需要译者对其有透彻的了解。一般的做法无非是音译、音译加意译和意译。景点名称是采取音译还是意译,要视情况而定,不可一概而论。例如,苏州着名的景点寒山寺,就不能译成Cold Hill Temple ,因其是取自一古代诗僧寒山之名, 故只能将其译成Hanshan Temple ; 又如: 拙政园( Garden of HumbleAdministrator) 是明嘉靖年间御史王献臣辞职回乡后在元大宏寺遗址所建造的别墅,并借用晋代潘岳闲居赋中“拙者之为政也”一句为园名。如果采用音译的措施,不仅这其中的历史人物、典故将不为读者所知,其园名及游园的雅趣也无从体会了。


  译成The Temple of Pool and Oak ;栊翠庵是尼姑修行之地,译成Green Lattice Nunnery ;塔尔寺是藏传佛教———即喇嘛教的寺院,译成Taer Lamasery ;凤凰寺是一清真教寺院,故译成Fenghuang Mosque ;而包公寺是为纪念包拯所建的寺庙,所以译成The MemorialTemple of Bao Zheng。如果一概音译加temple 的话,

  读者就无法对中国的宗教有更多的了解,使他们的中国之旅的收获大打折扣。还有“大观园”里的“稻香村”,名为“村”,实际不过一清朴农舍,所以要译成:Paddy Sweet Cottage.


  (一) 明确译文的体裁,了解英文同类材料的写作模式旅行指南、城市及旅游活动的对外宣传材料,其篇幅是有限的。译文的读者是那些对中国一无所知或知之甚少的法语国家的客人。要让他们在有限的篇幅内获得尽可能多的信息,译者应该了解法语国家这类材料的写作模式。这里我们不妨看一看美国密歇根州的MACKINAC 岛和ALPENA 市的旅游资料。

  MACKINAC岛的旅游指南包括不同颜色标识的旅行路线图和沿线的景点介绍。如从设在码头上的Visitor ’s Center 到重要的景点之一FORTMAXKINAC:


  11FORTMACKINAC , THE VIEW FROM THE TOPWalking , 1P2 to 2 hoursVisitor’s Center to Fort MACKINAC:

  In 1779 , during the American Revolution ,

  Lieutenant2Governor Patrick Sinclair commanded Britishfur trading activities and the military garrison at the Straitsof MACKINAC. Afraid that American rebels would attackhis mainland fort at present2day MACKINAC City ,

  Sinclair saw MACKINAC Island as readily defensible.

  Standing near the present2day Visitor’s Center , henotedgeographical characteristics which shaped the pattern ofisland use for two centuries.

  Unlike the shore of Fort Michilimackinac , the Islandhad a deep2water harbor for British warships and , muchlater , for excursion and ferry boats. The flat shoreline wasideal for French and English homes and fur traders’warehouses. Today shops and hotels cluster around thecommercial docks. Most of all Sinclair liked the cliffoverlooking the harbor , which gave a commanding view ofthe Straits. Here he built Fort MACKINAC.
