
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09

3. Translation of proper punctuations
News title is always simplified in structure; accordingly, punctuation plays a very important role in news headline. More often than not, certain punctuation can produce some kind of special result. The translator should pay attention to the concrete meaning of these punctuations while translating them.
3.1. Comma (,)
“Comma expresses the stop between the compound ingredients in title, and it is also used to replace ‘and’ in order to save space, generally being translated to be ‘和’ in Chinese.”P29
For example:
(1) Australia,法语毕业论文,U.S. Seek More Ways to Promote Trade
(=Australia and U.S .Seek More Ways to Pro-mote Trade)
(2) UN, Iraq Talk on Refugee Aid
(3) China, CIS States May Share Cables
(4) Ready, aim, flambé: Army, Marine Cooks Battle Each Other    
---预备、瞄准、开火:海陆两军交“火”厨师各显神通(“The two commas in front of the colon are used to indicate display, and function as Chinese slight-pause; the last comma then is equal to ‘and’." P67)
3.2. Colon (:)
In the English news title, the most eye-catching information is always put in front, and then some supplement information is drawn out to make up the subject after colon. The similarities in Chinese and English expression provide a series of parallelisms of content in translation.
Look at the examples:
(1)The$2 billion Makeover: Australia’s Olympic City Gets Ready for the Games
(2) War Plan: the West’s Military Options  
“Colon is also used to take place of relation verbs, and it is always translated to be ‘说’、 ‘宣称’、 ‘是’ in Chinese.”P29
For example:
(1) Renminbi to Remain Reliable, Strong: Li
When colon is used to show the source of a quotation, that is, equal to the Chinese word“说”, in English it can be put in head of or after the speaker, while in Chinese it can only be placed after the speaker.
(2) Health Survey: New Yorkers Fitter, Slimmer   
(3) Poll on Trial: Why Weren’t the Victim Cries Heeded?    
3.3. Quotation mark (‘’)
Generally speaking, single quotation mark is used in English news headline instead of double quotation marks. To be accordant with Chinese natural expression, it is better for translator to change it into double quotation marks in Chinese.
Look at the following examples:
(1) Abadan Oil Refinery ‘Destroyed’   
(2) Arafat to Reagan: ‘We Are Still Here’
3.4. Dash(—)
Dash is used to separate each independent clause in the title, and also frequently used to draw out the speaker before or after the subscript without the quotation mark. It is often translated to be “说” in Chinese in order to draw out the speaker, and to be “再”in order to emphasize something.
For example:
(1) Labor Council Face Bankruptcy — Officials     
(2) Our Differences Can Be Overcome — Rockefeller   
   ---我们的分歧是能够克服的— 洛克菲勒(说)
(3) Yeltsin in Hospital — Again
(4) World Unity against Terrorism Needed — Blair
