
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09

4. The translation of rhetorical devices
Headline implies its meaning and is made to produce more striking effect by means of figure of speech such as alliteration, rhyme, metaphor, pun, allusion, exaggeration and so on. It becomes more difficult for translation because of the different culture backgrounds and the gap between the writer’s range of knowledge and experience and the readers. In order not to confuse Chinese readers, the translation of English news titles can “retain the rhetoric characteristics of the original text to achieve the same dissemination effect”P95. The translator also should pay attention to making the translation “conform to Chinese title’s features and cater to Chinese readers’ reading habits”P95.
4.1. Alliteration and rhyme
Alliteration and rhyme are often used in English news headline to create the demeanor effect, exaggerate the atmosphere, and bring to readers’ attention and interest. It is hard to get accordance with the original alliteration and rhyme in translation, so certain figure patterns must often be substituted for the proper expressions of Chinese.
For instance:
(1) Protestants Protest (alliteration)
(2) Soldiers Salaries Soar  (alliteration)
(3) Young Wheelers, Big Dealers  (rhyme)
(4) Who’s Near to Reagan’ ear?  (rhyme)
(5) Jazzy in Jeans, Sassy in Sweater (alliteration)       
(6) After the Boom, Everything Is Gloom (rhyme)
   ---繁荣好景不在, 萧条接踵而来      
Further examples:
(1) Desperate Need, Desperate Deed   
.  ---燃眉之机,十万火急
   This translation shows the good understanding of original text, and Chinese words “机”and “急” get up to the rhyme effect.
(2) The Sister Vs. World Taunts! Tautrums! Talents!  
---姐妹对垒全世界   辱骂! 奚落! 天才!
“This title with three harmonics is uneasy to understand. On the one hand, it expresses the intensively competitive rhythm of sports; on the other, it indicates the highlight of the subject. It is well known that U.S. is a society with strong compatibility, but as for the black sisters who may draw little attention in the tennis world almost ruled by the white, this rhyme title in Times actually shows the strong effect caused by the black sisters.”[10]P67
4.2. Metaphor
“A metaphor always makes a comparison betweens two unlike elements, and this comparison is implied rather than stated.”[11]P166 The proper use of metaphor in news headline can produce vivid, striking effect and attract more readers.
For example:
(1) Middle East::A Cradle of Terror  
(2) Russian Reform::Old Wine in New Bottle
(3) An Afghan Joan of Arc      
---阿富汗的贞德(“Comparing 17 year-old Afghan female soldier to 15 century French nationality heritress Arc”[12]P29)
(4) The Open Barn Door        
---敞开的粮仓大门(“Implying that it is easy to get the US scientific and technical information”[13]P29)
(5) Carlo Ponti in Hot Water Again       
---卡洛,庞蒂再陷困境(‘in hot water’ means ‘in trouble’ )
4.3. Pun
Pun is an amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meaning, or of words having the same sound but different meaning. “To pun is to play on words, or rather to play with the form and meaning of words, for a witty or humorous effect.”[14]P221 When translating these kinds of words or phrases, the translation must be in accordance with the context of the particular message.
For example:
(1) Soccer Kicks off with Violence    
---足球开踢,拳打脚踢(‘kick off ’means both“球赛开始”and“拳打脚踢”)

