
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:面对零基础的法语系学生,培养自主学习能力是所有法语老师遇到的难题。笔者以法语视听课堂为探讨对象,观察教师所采用的多样化教学策略的效果及其对学生自主能力培养的作用。通过课堂实践,笔者认为教师应以培养学生自主学习能力为前提,明确课堂听力目标、听力材料选择、成果评估方式,并以引导者的身份参与课堂活动,通过听力准备、听力训练和课后延伸三环节的相互配合,帮助学生掌握学习技巧,激发法语学习兴趣,并最终利于学生自主学习能力的提高。The cultivation of students' autonomous ability is the challenge to all teachers in teach- ing French when they are facing beginners. Taking French audio-visual course as an example, the present author observes the effect of the diversified teaching methodology adopted by the teacher and its influences over the cultivation of students' autonomy in learning. Through the classroom practice, the present author argues that the teacher should take the cultivation of students' au- tonomous learning ability as the premise to clarify the aim of listening activity, choose the listen- ing materials and the assessment approach. Besides, as the role of a guider, the teacher should get involved in classroom activities through the cooperation of three stages, which are listening preparation stage, listening training stage, after class stage. By adopting these teaching method- ologies, it will be helpful for students to handle the learning strategies, stimulating their interest in French learning, and finally be beneficial to the improvement of their autonomous ability.
