
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:法国在阿联酋阿布扎比的军事基地是迄今法国在“法语区”以外部署的唯一一处军事基地。该基地旨在增强法国在海湾地区的地缘政治利益、军火利益、经贸利益和文化软实力,使法国在几内亚湾的加蓬军事基地、亚丁湾的吉布提军事基地和波斯湾的阿布扎比军事基地形成“一字型”战略布局,以加强对西非——北非——东非——海湾这一伊斯兰“动荡弧”地区的军事介入能力,法语论文题目,与地中海北岸的法国土伦军事基地遥相呼应。同时,法国在阿联酋的军事基地也恶化了西方强国与伊朗的安全困境,增加了伊斯兰激进势力对西方强势文化入侵的反感,增添了法国国内左、中、右翼政党的国内政治分歧,也使美、英、法、日、北约、欧盟、伊朗、沙特在西印度洋的安全竞争更加激烈。French military base in Abu Dhabi is the only one deployed beyond the Francophone, and it aims to promote French geopolitical, arms sale, economic and trade interests of Paris as well as to enhance its soft power of culture. The base, together with French military bases in Gabon and Djibouti, constitutes a strategic "horizontal line" . It has consolidated French capabilities of intervention in the "Islamic Arc of Instability" ranging from West Africa, North Africa, Horn of Africa to the Persian Gulf. However, the French base in Abu Dhabi has worsened the security dilemma between the West and Iran, increased the anger of Islamic radicals against the Western military and cultural invasion. Moreover, French military deployment in UAE has deteriorated the discord of the French left, right and neutral wings at home, and in the foreseeable future, the US, French, NATO, EU, Saudi, Japanese and Iranian military deployment in the region will be more competitive.
